On 3/2/2012 6:10 PM, Rob Weir wrote:
So we have what, 100 languages or more?  And in each release we add or
change a few dozen or a hundred strings?

Suppose we did something along your lines, of having a way of
measuring contribution, vetting the quality of the work, etc.  Would
it make sense to more than double the number of committers and PPMC
members for this?  Does it really make sense to have 200 PPMC members,
more than half -- a deciding bloc in release and PMC Chair votes -- be

And do we really want to require 100+ ICLA's and deal with the
likelihood that not everyone will sign?
Do we really want 100 committers, contributing to every release, who represent 100 different languages, from all over the globe, who in addition to translating UI and help could also be very useful in translating press releases and announcements into their native languages, and representing Apache OpenOffice in their particular community?

In a word...


And then, once we've done al that, how can we as a PMC vote to approve
the release of a translation that only 0.5% of us can verify?
not everyone has to be on the PMC - that's a different issue from committership.
<more snip>

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