The pootle server is there and was created mostly due to our request. The way to get access is to offer to help and ask for access (as Raphael has done).

If you are interested in helping, offer and ask. (hmmm... and be nice to Gav, because he's probably the one from infra to give you access)


I wasn't not being nice to anyone :)

If that's the case, then someone needs to stick a note on that page cause as you may have guessed, my yarrow rods are in for repairs so I could not ask a favourably inclined deity to share this wisdom with me :b *Any* such project has a link that tells you how to sign up. But on you can only login. Slightly odd though that account creation itself is manual. Normally on a Pootle server anyone can create an account but you need an admin to give you rights to do stuff on it.

Nice to see that all the languages are there now though!


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