2012/3/12 Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@googlemail.com>

> Hi,
> I would like to propose that we prepare the next set of dev snapshots
> based on the revision r1299571 (same as last changed revision). It is not
> the latest working buildbot revision but I would like to include an
> increased buildid.

Hi Juergen--

Could someone at some point enlighten us as to WHY the latest revisions
aren't automatically scooped up by the buildbot? Or amybe a wiki page on
this??? I also notice that the Linux-32 build via buildbot still has
issues, and wonder, why, if changes have been successfully made to this
build AND supposedly it's being built by Ubuntu (same as the developer
builds), it still has issues. I confess I know NOTHING about the buildbot,
so if you can point me (and others) to some instructions that might be

Thanks for everything! :)

> It is still no a official RC because of the existing show stopper issues.
> I hope that we can start a second build later this week if possible.
> I would like to propose also that we continue to provide normal/complete
> install sets for all languages.
> The dev snapshot from last week was proposed to the IPMC with zero
> response so far. Not really promising and maybe somebody else has an idea
> what we can do to get some early feedback.
> The builds will be made available again under https://cwiki.apache.org/**
> confluence/display/OOOUSERS/**AOO+3.4+Unofficial+Developer+**Snapshots<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+3.4+Unofficial+Developer+Snapshots>
> Juergen


"Follow your bliss."
         -- attributed to Joseph Campbell

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