On Wed, 2012-03-21 at 08:52 -0700, Joe Schaefer wrote:

> I still would like to strongly suggest that
> someone on the PPMC step up NOW and offer to contact
> existing mirror operators to get them to cover
> some of our losses.

Howdy all,

Please take a moment to review the draft of a contact email for direct
mailing to the OO.o mirror operators.


Dear OpenOffice.org Mirror Operator,

On behalf of all the members of the OpenOffice.org community I would
like to extend a warm thank you for the services rendered to the project
while participating in the download mirror system.

As you likely are aware, the OpenOffice.org project has during the last
year migrated to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) and taken the new
name of Apache OpenOffice.

Thanks to the efforts of numerous individuals contributing to the
project I am pleased to say that the first full release of the Apache
OpenOffice free open source (FOSS) office suite is nearing completion.

The project is now looking for organizations that will again work with
us to deliver this important linchpin of the FOSS ecosystem to literally
millions of users worldwide.

Specifically the project is looking for mirror operators to work within,
and augment, the existing ASF server mirror system. Details regarding
the ASF mirror system are available here:

Please contact our project with any questions you may have via our
public mailing list at ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org.

In closing, please accept my thanks in advance for your time and
consideration in this matter. I look forward to hearing from you and
hope that our projects can once again work together to advance the cause
of Free Open Source Software around the globe. 


Drew Jensen
Apache OpenOffice (incubating)
Poddling Project Management Committee 


Comments, fixes and the like are very much appreciated.

Given the current state of work I would like to get this out tonight if
at all possible.



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