On Tue, 2012-04-17 at 14:40 -0400, Michael Acevedo wrote:
> Hi,
> Wouldn't hurt also having a Youtube account for the project as well. The
> other competitor has one already...

Hi Micheal,

Thanks for the prompt - this actually came up a few weeks back on the
list here. It was noted that Apache (the foundation) already utilizes an
account and it will be possible for the project to avail itself of that,
as appropriate. So, on one hand there is not a particular rush to claim
a stake as it where. 

That doesn't mean of course that there might not be a good way to use an
account for videos other then the general Apache youtube channel.

Is this something which you would like to participate in directly? I
would not say that anyone has raised their hand for this.

If you have thoughts on specific content, for instance, it would be
great and I'd recommend you start a new thread on the subject - do
remember though that right now there are many ideas and it will take
folks to implement any (each) of the ideas.

Creating a youtube account is of course easy to do, I have done so
twice, one is the account you mention above. Once you make the account
however, then the work begins - content.

Best wishes,



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