On 04/25/2012 10:03 AM, Rob Weir wrote:
On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 12:15 PM, Kay Schenk<kay.sch...@gmail.com>  wrote:
On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 6:48 AM, Rob Weir<robw...@apache.org>  wrote:

On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 5:41 PM, Marcus (OOo)<marcus.m...@wtnet.de>
Am 04/24/2012 11:09 PM, schrieb Kay Schenk:

On 04/24/2012 01:05 PM, Marcus (OOo) wrote:

Am 04/24/2012 07:54 PM, schrieb Kay Schenk:

Hi all--

Right now, when I click on "I want to download OpenOffice", I don't
expanded green button I was getting last week, for example. I had made
changes to this a week or so ago, but the changes that I incorporated,
the green button itself were just fine after that. I think my current
experience may be due to a problem with getting the mirror link but I
to confirm this in a bit.

So, question #1.
I would like someone else to try this and let the list know what your
results are -- are you getting the expanded green button or being
to /download/index.html instead?

Question #2. If you're not getting the DL button, or even if you are,
strongly do you feel about having the expanding button, or would just
jump to /download/index.html be just as good?

I know there was a LOT of discussion when this design first emerged,
it would much much easier for changes in DL code -- Rob's proposal for
unification of yesterday for instance -- if we could just dump this
"internal" DL button on the home page. Yes, the buttons are the same
to the
eye anyway on both the main index.html page and /download/index.html
the html implementation is different, different enough that both these
areas need to be changed when changes are needed. Additionally,
dumping the
"generated" button on the home page would allow us to standardize more
easily on incorporating the DL button -- the code used on
/download/index.html -- on other pages like the NL pages.

Thanks for looking at this and responding.

It seems Rob's last commit (r1329501 - "Remove unneeded GA code") has
removed accidently also the toggle mode for the download button. This
done via JavaScript, too.

I've repaired it as the expanded donwload button is IMHO a nice


Marcus--Thanks for this...but...it would be really really helpful if we
could just do away with this approach.

I'm going to work on the underpinnings in /download today, and not the
home page, so I'll wait to hear from a few others.

So far, it looks like we've got 2 to "remove/OK with removing it" (me,
Dave), and 1 not to remove (you).

Of course we can remove the toggle feature for the green box. Lets see
others say.

I've just re-enabled it because the effort was really minimal.

What are the arguments for and against?

I think the argument FOR the inclusion of the expanding DL button on the
home page was the idea of having the DL available "right there" for them.
Still, unlike other sites which would automatically display the appropriate
DL immediately, the user must click on the DL area of the page to "get" the
green DL button, so I question the former reasoning.

 From the homepage, it is the same number of mouse clicks to download
either way, right?    We don't save any clicks by dynamically
expanding the DL button on the home page.

yes...this is correct -- same number of clicks...

On the "against" side.
* We bring in a bunch of additional JS to the home page which we wouldn't
need if the "I want to download..." simply went to download/index.html.
* None of the other links on the home page work like this -- they all take
you someplace else
* In theory, editing changes to make download/index.html work should should
port to the DL button on the home page, but for some reason, I, personally
have had issues with this in the past, I don't remember why
* You can not, based on how the button is currently constructed on the home
page, just  pop-in something to make this happen -- some of the JS needed
must live on the home page to make things work. Well maybe you can and I
just don't know how to do this.
* Changes made to the current DL logic (and really this whole process in
terms of coding REALLY needs further evaluation)  like function names and
arguments to them, etc. need to be ported to two areas rather than one.

IMHO, if we have a a dedicated download page we can improve it over
time.  Having more screen real-estate would allow us to make install
instructions more prominent and give other helpful information.
Eventually the thing on the home page will be comparatively less

I agree -- just making the few changes we did recently was, while not difficult, took some futzing on the home page DL button to make things LOOK a bit nicer. And, I don't like making unnecessary changes ON the home page. :/

My .02

At this stage of this project's existence, I think we need to concentrate
on minimizing complexity.

My life lesson:  Only start a garden as large as you are able care for.

EXACTLY! We definitely need to consider the number, time and skills of the gardeners in this case! ;]

so? conclusion?


Aside from a good user experience, my interest is in having clean,
unifiied download logic, to support an overall download policy,
including how we mirror, how we track statistics, how we route and how
we recommend downloads based on request headers.




"Well, life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
  And life has a funny way of helping you out
  Helping you out."
                            -- "Ironic", Alanis Morissette


"Well, life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
 And life has a funny way of helping you out
 Helping you out."
                            -- "Ironic", Alanis Morissette

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