I attended an hour webinar highlighting the use of Pinterest for businesses - 
B2C, B2B and also personal.  I learned that in less than a year, this social 
media format has surpassed youtube, google+, linkedin - and is now number 3 in 
usage under facebook and twitter (not sure which one of the latter is first). 

Terminology - PINS are images that you post on your BOARDS - like you would 
post picture cards on an office bulletin board.  The thing is that pins can be 
linked to a landing page, folks can 'REPIN' your pin (with its image and links) 
to their own Boards.  They can 'like', 'comment', REPIN. 

I can imagine ways that this could be used - for instance a separate BOARD for 
Writer,Draw, etc.  Each board could have its own tutorial 'pin' with a link to 
the respective landing page.  Their could be a board for the history, another 
for people behind the scenes, the imagination can go on - the webinar suggested 
using up to 32 boards, but you can have more. Each board displays 5 pins. Look 
at General Electrics site (pinterest.com/generalelectric)- notice how the 
images on their boards entice people to look around and create a bold statement 
(especially the first board). Another idea would be to reward those that 
contribute to openoffice by placing a 'I helped too' kind of board, people 
could repin their award on their own boards and their friends could see what 
they have been up to.

Because this is increasing in popularity, and a great way to spread branding, I 
suggest reserving the openoffice username even if no one plans to use Pinterest 
yet.  Starbucks (pinterest.com/starbucks)has reserved their name, but does not 
use it yet.  

I have just signed up to use pinterest, and have not added anything to my 
boards yet. I do not know the way to get analytics yet, still reading about it, 
but the webinar mentioned this is available, as well as tracking keywords that 
are working for the competitors. So far it is by invitation from another 
pinterest user to set up an account. 

By the way, check out /microsoft - everyone is starting out, it seems.

     Nancy      Web Design   
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