
On 4 May 2012 09:52, Yong Lin Ma <mayo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 9:17 PM, Louis Suárez-Potts <lui...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I raised earlier off list the idea of (re-)forming a language group focused 
>> on ZH localization and operating to support Chinese speakers and those based 
>> in Beijing (or wherever it makes sense).  We did this in OOo, and it worked 
>> …not as well as any of us would have liked. But that was because a single 
>> company dominated--a less than desirable situation.
> Yes, other than covered by different license, not dominated by a
> single company is the major difference between AOO and OO.o.
>> The idea, this time around, would be to have members of CS2C, IBM and other 
>> organizations (and I can think of a few) to have a place to coordinate, 
>> learn, communicate in Chinese while also working with the Apache OO lists in 
>> English. Localization would be essential. (ZH in China differs from that 
>> used in TW; that can be accommodated: this is a linguistic effort, mostly.)
> It would be not necessary, if this is just for IBM and CS2C teams in
> Beijing. Cause it would be more effective for the two teams to have
> conference calls or meet in person.


I don't exactly disagree with you but I was unclear. I did not mean to
usurp the Apache Way or the merits of being a commiter nor the path by
which one becomes one. Rather, I wanted to avoid the problem facing
the establishment of regional and linguistic groups. That problem is
having one or even two companies dominate the effort. Sometimes that's
unavoidable. But if it can be the case that other companies and
organizations can be involved, then great. And if such involvement is
made more likely by having publicly accessible informational projects,
which are open to all comers and which *do not* usurp the Apache Way
but rather supplement it, then, as far as I can tell, that's good.
(Indeed, having conference calls between one company and another seems
to reinscribe the problem of having one company dominate, and it
further turns a linguistic effort into a very localized one that's
also exclusive.)

Again: Not to usurp, diminish, alter the way in which one becomes a
committer but to open the doors even wider and to engage regionally
and linguistically  all those who might wish to join.


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