Thank you, Ariel!
I will try to deal with gbuild. This is somwthing new)
In general, I want to debug feature Desktop::Main().  After correcting i
have error in it.
2012/5/7 Ariel Constenla-Haile <>

> Hi Nikolay,
> On Mon, May 07, 2012 at 11:16:55PM +0400, Ochirov Nikolay wrote:
> > Thank you, Ariel!
> > One more question - what is gbuild?
> AOO build environment is a mix of a Perl script ( + Dmake and
> the newly introduced "Gbuild", a build system based only on GNU Make.
> Some modules have been ported to the new build environment, you can
> find it out by looking at the module folder, for example:
> vcl, sfx2, sw:
> they all have
> * a main general Makefile
> * a Module_$
> * a Library_$ per library
> * etc.
> Modules not ported to gbuild do not have those makefiles, see sd, sc,
> avmedia for example
> You build the whole office in trunk/main/instsetoo_native/ with
> cd main/instsetoo_native/
> build --html --all -P8 -- -P4 (an example, only)
> You build individual modules not ported to gbuild with the build.plscript:
> cd trunk/main/sc/
> build deug=true dbglevel=3
> You build individual modules ported to gbuild with make:
> cd trunk/main/vcl/
> make -sr DEBUG=yes
> Of course, you have to know which modules to build with debugging
> symbols. If you can't figure it out, just tell us what you are
> interested in debugging and we'll give you a hint.
> Regards
> --
> Ariel Constenla-Haile
> La Plata, Argentina

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