On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 10:55 AM, drew jensen
<drewjensen.in...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Recently there has been some discussion on the projects private ML
> regarding issues about native language groups and how best to support
> work groups which will by definition be somewhat circumscribed from the
> whole by virtue of language without losing the cohesion of a single
> project focus.
> I invite others pick that up here:

What we do currently:

1) One big ooo-dev list

2) Some NL-specific lists.  I don't subscribe to them at all, so
others would need to say how they are currently being used.

3) We have some emerging procedures for how volunteers can contribute
to product and website translations, but this information is scattered
in old ooo-dev posts and not easy to find.

I wonder whether a good step forward might be to document on our
project website (http://incubator.apache.org/openofficeorg) the
procedures from #3 above.  Then when we have a new volunteer on the
list we can point them to this information.  This could expand to
other NL topics such as local marketing/events, trademark usage,  NL
mailing lists, etc.



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