On 2012-05-18, at 17:00 , Larry Gusaas wrote:

> On 2012-05-18 1:40 PM  Louis Suárez-Potts wrote:
>> On 2012-05-18, at 14:18 , Chery wrote:
>>> >  It is free!          Who would buy it from you?
>>> >  
>> OpenOffice has always been sold on eBay and other similar sites. The 
>> advantage to the buyer is that she does not have to download the app., can 
>> have it around for future reference, may distribute it to those who 
>> otherwise cannot get it (yes, she could burn more and I hope she would), and 
>> so on.
> How does this comment apply to selling downloads of AOO?  Note that the OP 
> said "I would like to get further information on how I could sell OpenOffice 
> on eBay, either via download and/or CDROM"

I misread in my haste to be corrective. It happens, esp. when one is distracted 
by other things.


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