On 05/19/2012 01:00 PM, Kay Schenk wrote:
Hi all--

It seems we are running into a number of very difficult problems with Linux
installs, the latest just e-mailed to this list this morning, due to the
way some vendors have installed LO.



I'd really like to provide additional help in the install guide:


but I'm at a loss as to what this should say.

I took a look at SOME of the postings on the support forums and well, still
at a loss. Generally, it seems that completely uninstall the old OOo 3.3 is
a given (please correct me if I'm wrong about this), but how to handle some
of the LO overlap?

Can we get some opinions on what's the most accurate way to go about
installing AOO 3.4 on linux?

* completely de-install LO first? install AOO 3.4, the re-install LO?
* completely de-install old OOo 3.3? and then?

Thankfully, I did not run into these kinds of issues with my distro.

I use Fedora and I have never used the version included by the distro. For OOo and then later for Libre-O, I manually uninstalled the packages. Something like this:

rpm -qa | grep -i obasis > foo.txt
rpm -qa | grep -i openoffice >> foo.txt
rpm -e `cat foo.txt`

For libre, the second grep term was a wee bit different, I don't remember now since I only have done that once. Now, after uninstalling the product, I had to modify /etc/yum.conf to contain the lines


This prevented yum from updating these packages later. Something similar needs to be done with Ubuntu type builds I believe.

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document: http://www.pitonyak.org/AndrewMacro.odt
Info:  http://www.pitonyak.org/oo.php

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