As far as I know, the Sun LGPL should be OK in this stage.

There is a IBM SGA which describes all kinds of license includes in
the contribution.

On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 6:39 AM, Dennis E. Hamilton
<> wrote:
> I did a quick look.
> There appears to be a great deal of IP cleanup required, particularly Sun 
> LGPL notices.  It is good that this is going to be in a separate subtree of 
> the incubator/ooo/ SVN starting out.
> I have no way to comment on the completeness or accuracy of the materials, of 
> course.
>  - Dennis
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rob Weir []
> Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 15:29
> To:
> Subject: Please review trial load of Symphony dumpfile
> The JIRA issue for loading the Symphony dump is here:
> Daniel made a test load of the dump file here:
> It would be great if someone can (maybe from the Symphony team) can do
> a check out and verify that this is correct. And if anyone sees any
> problems, please speak up now.
> Discussion here, but if we get a couple of +1's someone should update
> the JIRA issue to give the go-ahead.  I'm traveling tomorrow so I will
> not be able to do this.
> -Rob


Erik Ma

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