On 2012-05-23, at 12:21 , Andrew Rist wrote:

> As part of the transfer of the web properties of OOo to the ASF, the set of 
> related domains has also been offered to ASF.
> We (PPMC) need to decide what we want to do with the related domains.  There 
> are three obvious options available to us:
> * Ignore and let the domains expire
> * Continue to register to block squatting, but do no more
> * Continue to register and forward to oo.o

As I have mentioned more than once, I seem to own openoffice.ca and would be 
willing to contribute it (or whatever one does) to AOO. In general, 
historically we have approached the owners of such sites and asked them to work 
with the community. 


> And...
> Just to make things more complex, I've grouped the domains into two groups.  
> similar-domains, nls-domains.
> What are peoples' thought on what to do with each group??
> A.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> similar-domains
>   www-open-office.org         ooo3.org        testopenoffice.org      
> nls-domains
>   openoffice-pt.com   openoffice-pl.com       openoffice-nl.com
>   openoffice-fr.com
>   openoffice09fr.com  openoffice-gratuit.com  de-openoffice.org
>   deopenoffice.org
>   de-openoffice.com   deopenoffice.com        es-openoffice.com
>   esopenoffice.com
>   fr-openoffice.com   fropenoffice.com        it-openoffice.com
>   itopenoffice.com
>   en-openoffice.org   enopenoffice.org        es-openoffice.org
>   esopenoffice.org
>   fr-openoffice.org   it-openoffice.org       itopenoffice.org
>   nl-openoffice.org
>   nlopenoffice.org    

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