On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 7:28 PM, drew <d...@baseanswers.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Clean slate - alright!
> How about we just start with something everyone agrees on.

Point of order.  I've made a proposal, in this thread, just two days
ago.  it is a "clean slate", based on nothing before it.  I've
received only two substantive comments, from Wolf and Dennis.
Everyone else seems to be running around, trying to understand why the
ToU have not been updated yet.

If you have some comments on my proposal I'd love to hear them.
Ditto, if Dave or anyone else does.

> The page at http://www.openoffice.org/terms_of_use is wrong.
> We either fix it or stop using it and remove it.
> But for today...
> If you look at this page
> http://user.services.openoffice.org/
> it uses a footer matching the main site
> http://www.openoffice.org/license.html
> that is almost the same as the main site.
> So, could merge the current footer used at the individual forums and the
> footer at the landing page,  dropping the link to the .../terms_of_use
> page on the main site.
> The copyright page link is good for the non-subscribed browser. Will add
> the privacy page link, and leav the current forum TOU used when
> subscribe in place, already translated to all languages.
> If that doesn't look like a waste of time to folks will put that
> together on an example page in the morning and post a link for review.

If we're now going to have several competing proposals rather than
iterating on a single one, then that's fine as well.  But maybe it
would make sense to put these on the wiki so we can look at them side
by side?


> //drew

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