On Tue, 17 Jul 2012 14:54:29 -0600
Larry Gusaas <larry.gus...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 2012-07-17 2:38 PM Joe Schaefer wrote:
> >> ________________________________
> >> From: Hagar Delest <hagar.del...@laposte.net>
> >> To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
> >> Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 4:10 PM
> >> Subject: Re: On parks, commons, and websites... and fun (or lack of)
> >>
> >> Let's be clear: I don't have the desire to take the effort to do such 
> >> thing.
> >> I volunteer to this project on my free time because I like it. But the deal
> >> is that I've to like it. I give my time to help users because I find some
> >> fun in it.
> >> So I won't engage in things that bore me. If you can't understand this 
> >> simple
> >> fact, there is no point discussing further.
> > Yes you've made that abundantly clear that you find website work boring and
> > beneath you.  As I've tried to make clear to you, people here who do that
> > sort of work on your behalf or provide you with the tools to make that work
> > less boring for you will often find your attitude insulting and degrading 
> > and
> > yes unfun.  Others won't mind in the least.  Such is life.
> >
> >
> >> If I had not the committer status, would you have asked me to do it myself 
> >> too?
> > Of course I would. Had you been paying attention you would have realized 
> > that.
> >
> >> I think not. And again, I'm a committer only because I accepted to report 
> >> for
> >> the forums on the blog (meaning a new account to handle, a new tool and a 
> >> new responsibility).
> > Committer status has nothing to do with blog credentials.
> >
> >
> >> Which is something that I don't greatly enjoy.
> >>
> >> I accepted the ASF invitation to get more involved in AOO because I 
> >> thought there
> >> would be some interesting development for the future of AOO and it could 
> >> be fun to
> >> contribute to it. But if it means being bashed like that (thinking it 
> >> would be a good
> > thing to report a problem), then no way. You've taken the fun out of it.
> >
> >
> > I haven't attacked you not a single time; I'm not bashing you either.  I 
> > have
> > challenged you to increase your level of contribution to this project to 
> > match
> > the expectations of the other participants and committers on this mailing 
> > list.
> > Having said no there's no penalty to pay- nobody's going to strip your karma
> > for not trying.  The worst thing that will likely happen to you are the 
> > usual
> > social consequences of not meeting the expectations of many of your peers, 
> > which
> > may not bother you either.  Different strokes for different folks- there is 
> > no
> > need for further drama here.
> Your attacks on Hagar have been insulting and demeaning. Your use of language 
> is insulting, 
> despite your claims otherwise. You need to learn how to encourage people.
> Hagar was a very valuable member of this project. Your mean spirited attacks 
> have caused him to 
> resign.
> Congratulations on the wonderful job you are doing as a mentor. Not.
> -- 

I agree with Larry Gusaas.  It is important to remember that many of the 
participants to this and other projects have real lives with concommitant 
duties and responsibilities, which we may not wish to divulge publicly.  We 
give freely of our time, as permitted by those requirements; for some (many) 
things we have not the spare time or leisure to devote, as in this case 
learning how to edit a Wiki or a web page and/or making corrections to it. 

You say "I have challenged you to increase your level of contribution to this 
project to match the expectations of the other participants and committers on 
this mailing list"; this is utter arrogance.  You and other contributors to 
this list have no knowledge of Hagar's responsibilities, or of mine or of most 
other participants and are not entitled to demand that he do more, simply 
because you think he ought. 

You are perhaps not aware of the full level of Hagar's contribution to one 
aspect of OpenOffice, the running of the Forum. The Forum takes some hundred a 
day postings off your lists, in terms of actual queries posted, and some 
several hundred (perhaps more) per day which are answered by users accessing 
its knowledge base, which if that were not there could materialise as extra 
queries posted to your lists.  If the Forum collapses, your lists will become 
unworkable!  All you, and all other contributors, are entitled to expect is 
that we deal honestly and fairly with you, reading nothing beyond that into our 
words and requiring nothing beyond that; part of that honesty is to say "I have 
not this or that ability, or the time/inclination to learn it."  

If someone points to a flaw, in whatever, and indicates that he has not the 
time or knowledge or inclination to fix it, then that flaw and fix become fair 
game for anyone else to fix, and that is as it should be.

Rory O'Farrell <ofarr...@iol.ie>

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