On 01.08.02 04:31pm, Jürgen Schmidt said:
> On 8/2/12 6:03 AM, imacat wrote:
>> On 01.08.02 11:33am, Yan Ji said:
>>> Hi imacat, 
>>>   Arielch removed the previous RC build, so you cannot continue loading 
>>> linux package anymore.  The new RC build is uploading now, please hold on 
>>> your test once uploading is complete.
>>     OK.  Thanks.
>>     Also please see the attachment below.  The icon of Base is missing
>> on Windows 7.  I'll still vote for -1 if this issue remains.
> mmh, I read this with mixed feelings. We work as one team on a new
> release. We find problems, report them, discuss critical ones and
> propose them as show stopper. Everything is fine.
> We had several snapshots and I don't know when this problem was
> introduced and I still don't understand it and where it comes from. I am
> not aware of any changes here. I am currently checking the latest build
> on revision r1367911.
> But I don't like comments like this, if issue XY is not fixed I vote
> with -1. If people can not fix issues they help with "early" testing and
> not only on last minute testing on potential RCs.
> Sorry but that is not the way I would like to work on the project in a
> global team.
> It would have been better if you simply would have proposed this issue
> as a potential showstopper. We don't have a vote running at the moment.

    You are correct.  I'm aware of the problem when I sent my mail,
though I couldn't find a better way of talking in a hurry.  Thank you
for correcting this attitude problem.

    Anyhow, I would not like to result in the quickstart issue when we
release 3.4, that I failed to notice and stop it when I have chance.

Best regards,
imacat ^_*' <ima...@mail.imacat.idv.tw>
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