On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 6:05 PM, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> We are really getting ahead of ourselves.

Not really.  It is not like issues like this are going to be found by
sitting here and not pushing the code our further.  Every new class of
testers will find a new class of bugs.  This was true with AOO 3.4.0,
where things that were missed by us and the IPMC were found after we
released.  For example, that we were missing a notice for the CoinMP
libraries.  So getting there release in front of the IPMC is a great
next step.  Getting further and having even more eyeballs on it is
even better .

> We have a legitimate -1 IPMC vote on our release, it might get changed - 
> Marvin asked for confirmation that the IPMC votes are based only on the 
> official SOURCE release.
> I looked again at the rat-excludes and we should look into a small handful of 
> binary files that slip through. Most are "test" files and should be OK, but 
> there are a small number that are not. If we have a plan to remove them 
> and/or show that they are unused and harmless it may be that Marvin will be 
> convinced to change his vote.
> Someone should inspect these wildcards in the source tree

I don't see how this related to the concerns Marvin raised.  It sounds
like he is concerned with releasing binaries in general, not with
anything specific in the source tree.  I didn't see any technical
detail in his -1, or proposed changes that would satisfy his concerns.

In any case, let's look at what you found

> **/*.dbf
> **/*.dbt
> **/*.jar
> **/*.zip
> **/*.class
> **/*.dll
> **/*.exe
> **/*.mdb
> E.G.
> $ find . -name "*.jar"
> ./avmedia/source/java/avmedia.jar

This is our code, the source is there, with Apache headers.  The
pre-built JAR at worst is redundant.  I don't see a policy issue here.

> ./qadevOOo/testdocs/qadevlibs/JobExecutor.jar
> ./qadevOOo/testdocs/qadevlibs/MyPersistObjectImpl.jar

Ditto.  This is our code, the source is there, with Apache headers.
The pre-built JAR at worst is redundant.  I don't see a policy issue

> ./stax/download/README_stax-1.2.0.jar

Need to ask Pedro about that one:

> ./testautomation/global/input/xslt_stylesheets/docbook.jar
> ./testautomation/global/input/xslt_stylesheets/excel.jar
> ./testautomation/global/input/xslt_stylesheets/word.jar
> ./testautomation/global/input/xslt_stylesheets/xhtml.jar

Appears to be JAR'ed prebuilt versions of XSLT scripts that are mainly
stored in /main/filter/source/xslt/export/worldml, and related

Again, redundant, but I don't see a policy issue here.

> ./testgraphical/ui/java/ConvwatchGUIProject/dist/ConvwatchGUIProject.jar

No idea.  But it is test code, not needed for building.

> ./xmlsecurity/test_docs/tools/httpserv/dist/httpserv.jar

Not needed for building.  It is part of a test setup for testing
Certification Revocation Lists.

So for the last two we should verify license.  If the license allows
redistribution, then I think we're fine.  If not, then we need to
build a new src ZIP without them.


> $ ls -lart ./avmedia/source/java
> total 208
> -rw-r--r--@  1 dave  staff     48 Nov  1  2011 manifest
> -rw-r--r--@  1 dave  staff  15776 Nov  1  2011 avmedia.jar
> drwxr-xr-x@ 10 dave  staff    340 Nov  1  2011 ..
> -rw-r--r--@  1 dave  staff   6553 Nov  7  2011 FrameGrabber.java
> drwxr-xr-x@  3 dave  staff    102 Nov  7  2011 x11
> -rw-r--r--@  1 dave  staff  21629 Nov  7  2011 WindowAdapter.java
> -rw-r--r--@  1 dave  staff  20064 Nov  7  2011 PlayerWindow.java
> -rw-r--r--@  1 dave  staff   2120 Nov  7  2011 MediaUno.java
> drwxr-xr-x@  3 dave  staff    102 Nov  7  2011 win
> -rw-r--r--@  1 dave  staff   9906 Nov  7  2011 Player.java
> -rw-r--r--@  1 dave  staff   4367 Nov  7  2011 Manager.java
> -rw-r--r--@  1 dave  staff   2132 Jan 19  2012 makefile.mk
> -rw-r--r--@  1 dave  staff   1230 Jan 19  2012 avmedia.jar.component
> drwxr-xr-x@ 14 dave  staff    476 Jan 19  2012 .
> $ jar tvf ./avmedia/source/java/avmedia.jar
>    104 Thu Jun 10 20:27:16 PDT 2010 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
>   1277 Thu Jun 10 20:27:16 PDT 2010 MediaUno.class
>   4872 Thu Jun 10 20:27:16 PDT 2010 Player.class
>   8279 Thu Jun 10 20:27:16 PDT 2010 PlayerWindow.class
>   7738 Thu Jun 10 20:27:16 PDT 2010 WindowAdapter.class
>      0 Thu Jun 10 19:46:36 PDT 2010 avmedia/
>      0 Thu Jun 10 20:27:16 PDT 2010 avmedia/META-INF/
>    104 Thu Jun 10 20:27:16 PDT 2010 avmedia/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
>   1418 Thu Jun 10 20:27:16 PDT 2010 SystemWindowAdapter.class
>   3883 Thu Jun 10 20:27:16 PDT 2010 FrameGrabber.class
>   2066 Thu Jun 10 20:27:16 PDT 2010 Manager.class
> It looks like the jar file is unnecessary, but it may be in use.
> Regards,
> Dave
> PS. Sure glad that we did as suggested by Pedro ;-)

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