On 07/09/2012 03:50, Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:

Hi Ariel,

* CentOS 5.8 32 and 64 bits
* Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 32 and 64 bits
* Fedora 15 32 bits and 17 64 bits
* Windows XP 32 bits
* Windows 7 64 bits (arch. does not matter on Win, AOO is a 32 bits

Ooh, nice, thanks for that. My own attempts at building the connector in the past for Mac and Linux have been fraught with pain, frustration and disappointment, i.e. the build took ages, and then the connector didn't work or at least, wasn't portable.

These are supposed to be "universal" builds, that is, run on every
Windows version, and Linux distro (Linux base is CentOS 5 with glibc
2.5). Everyone is welcome to test if they work on their systems; by
"work" I mean it does not crash, I didn't fix any of the existing
issues, it was just a try-to-build-it (for now).

A "nice to have" would be for Mac OSX too ;-)


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