2012/9/11 Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net>

> Hi,
> We have a code of conduct here:
> http://incubator.apache.org/openofficeorg/list-conduct.html

I agree with Rob and Jürgen that this is more a guideline than a code. A
code of conduct must be clear and to the point: for example, it must define
what happens when someone breaks the code.

> These are the community's code and we should all agree to abide by the
> code. Maybe there is some more work to do exposing the code. Maybe the
>  code needs to be modified.
> Graduation requires the project to be self-governing. What do people
> think? I think we should discuss a few topics.

As always with human activities, there are shades of grey. I think/hope
most of the time a gentle reminder of the guidelines should be more than
enough... but just in case something really bad happens, we need a real
code of conduct to treat extreme behaviour like breaking of trademark
rules, using the membership to this project to obtain personal benefit,
edit the project web site to deviate users to external sites or to insert a
link to a personal paypal account... we must consider that the human
imagination have no limits!

(1) What are the consequences of breaking the code of conduct?
> - Loss of merit in the community including the possibility of losing any
> karma in the project. Karma is the ability to make commits.
> - Banning from the list. Moderators will need to treat offenders like
> spammers.

On extreme behaviour, both options, ASAP: it's easier to reactivate an
account than to deal with serious problems. On any real situation, a case
by case discussion.

> (2) Who is responsible for enforcing the code?
> - it should be enforced by anyone who sees it happening. In most cases a
> reminder will be enough.
> - what if they won't stop? who is next? If the PPMC is working it should
> be noticed, but if not then probably a note to ooo-private.

+1 for both

> (3) How do we expose the code?
> - we have unsubscribe links on ooo-users, we could add a link to the
> policy.


(4) Should we update the code?
> - the code should be edited to include the information decided for (1) and
> (2)
> - anything else?

As I said before, a real code must be written. Maybe the guidelines can be
a sort of "prologue".


> Please feel free to elaborate.
> Let's leave this open for a week to discuss. No need to hurry.
> Regards,
> Dave

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