El 11/09/2012 11:50, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann escribió:

On 11.09.2012 07:51, Dave Fisher wrote:

We have a code of conduct here: http://incubator.apache.org/openofficeorg/list-conduct.html

These are the community's code and we should all agree to abide by the code. Maybe there is some more work to do exposing the code. Maybe the code needs to be modified.

Graduation requires the project to be self-governing. What do people think? I think we should discuss a few topics.

(1) What are the consequences of breaking the code of conduct?

- Loss of merit in the community including the possibility of losing any karma in the project. Karma is the ability to make commits.

- Banning from the list. Moderators will need to treat offenders like spammers.

(2) Who is responsible for enforcing the code?

- it should be enforced by anyone who sees it happening. In most cases a reminder will be enough.

- what if they won't stop? who is next? If the PPMC is working it should be noticed, but if not then probably a note to ooo-private.

(3) How do we expose the code?

- we have unsubscribe links on ooo-users, we could add a link to the policy.

(4) Should we update the code?

- the code should be edited to include the information decided for (1) and (2)

- anything else?

Please feel free to elaborate.

Let's leave this open for a week to discuss. No need to hurry.

I also think that we should use these code of conduct as guidelines instead of strict rules. From my point of view, we should make clear that certain consequences - like to one mentioned above - may occur in case of repeated violation. As I do not want that something like this will happen in the future I think we can save the time now to discuss the consequences in detail and for every case. We just have to make clear the possible consequences and that we will decide on case-by-case.

Best regards, Oliver.

Juan C.

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