This is the discussion thread - reply to the other thread with your list!

I am opening up a thread for Proposed PMC Lists.

 * I have included below the last pass of the Active/Inactive/Retired
   list.  This is for reference, as nothing in that list is binding.
 * Everyone choose up to ten names to propose for the PMC.  The final
   list produced by this process will be longer.
 * When considering your list, consider diversity as well as activity,
   as we want the final list to cover all aspects of the project.
 * This is not a vote. This is a search for consensus.  Please no '-1'
   replies.  Let's see what this process produces, and then discuss
   from there.
 * All interested members of the community are welcome to provide
   input.  The feedback from committers will be considered more binding.

I will leave the thread open until next Sunday (anything properly date-stamped before the end of Sept 23 will be included).
I will summarize next Monday and we can take it from there.

(final note - I have my list forming in the other window, and it is hard to pick just ten names! )


PMC list from "Forming a PMC Roster (pass 5)"


Albino Neto (bino28)
Allen Pulsifer (apulsifer)
Andre Fischer (af)
Andrea Pescetti (pescetti)
Andrew Rist (arist)
Antón Méixome (meixome)
Ariel Constenla-Haile (arielch)
Armin Le Grand (alg)
Carl B. Marcum (cmarcum)
Claudio Filho (filhocf)
Cyril Beaussier (bidouille)
Damjan Jovanovic (damjan)
Dave Barton (bmcs)
David Fisher (wave) (Apache Membeber)
David McKay (thegurkha)
Donald P. Harbison (dpharbison)
Drew Jensen (atjensen)
Graham Lauder (yo)
Herbert Dürr (hdu)
Ian Lynch (ingotian)
Jian Fang Zhang (zhangjf)
Jian Hong Cheng (chengjh)
Jim Jagielski (jim) (Apache Membeber)
Jin Hua Chen (chenjinh)
Juan C. Sanz (jucasaca)
Jürgen Schmidt (jsc)
Kay Schenk (kschenk)
Kazunari Hirano (khirano)
Louis Suarez-Potts (louis)
Maho NAKATA (maho)
Marcus Lange (marcus)
Oliver-Rainer Wittmann (orw)
Pedro Giffuni (pfg)
Peter Junge (pj)
Phillip Rhodes (prhodes)
Raphael Bircher (rbircher)
Regina Henschel (regina)
RGB.ES (rgb-es)
Rob Weir (robweir)
Roberto Galoppini (galoppini)
Roberto Salomon (salomon)
Simon Brouwer (simonbr)
Thomas J. Frazier (yj)
Wang Lei (leiw)
Yang Shih-Ching (imacat)
Yong Lin Ma (mayongl)
Yuri Dario (ydario)
Zhe Wang (wangzcdl)
Zoltán Reizinger (r4zoli)

==Not Active==

Arthur Buijs (artietee)
Christian Lippka (clippka)
Christoph Jopp (cjopp)
Eike Rathke (erack)
Florent André (florent)
Frank Peters (fpe)
Ingrid von der Mehden (ingrid)
Ivo Hinkelmann (ivo)
Jomar Silva (homembit)
Kai Ahrens (kahrens)
Kai Sommerfeld (kso)
Lawrence Rosen (lrosen) (Apache Member)
Malte Timmermann (malte)
Manfred A. Reiter (fredao)
Martin Hollmichel (mhollmichel)
Mathias Bauer (mbauer)
Stefan Taxhet (st)
Stephan Bergmann (sb)
Steve Lee (stevelee)
Xia Zhao (lilyzhao)
Yegor Kozlov (yegor) (Apache Member)

== Retired==

Wolf Halton (wolfhalton)(per his request)
Dennis E. Hamilton (orcmid) (per his request)

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