On 9/19/12 1:47 PM, Regina Henschel wrote:
> Hi all,
> I notice a quality problem in bugzilla. Far too many issues are in
> status CONFIRMED which should not be there.
> For comparing do a search with:
> Bug created 'greater or equal' 2008-09-18 and 'less than' 2009-09-18
> and status changed from CONFIRMED
> and resolution is any of DUPLICATE, INVALID
> and same for the next years.
> And then do the same with status changed from UNCONFIRMED
> You get
> 2009      >500            3
> 2010      >500            1
> 2011      >500            7
> 2012       204            82
> Please, all those who have 'can confirm' rights in bugzilla, be more
> careful.
> - Your own new issue should be UNCONFIRMED. Someone else should confirm
> your issue, if possible on a different operating system.
> - Include duplicates in your search. You might not use the same words as
> the older active issue, but your words are likely used in already
> existing duplicates and those lead you to the active, already existing
> issue.
> - Make sure it is really a bug, and not only some settings or handling
> you miss.
> There are additional problems:
> - Operating systems are set to "all" although submitter has only used 1
> system.
> - It is not clear, whether a problem occurs only with a special existing
> document or can be seen with new documents.
> - It is not clear whether the problem is new in our AOO or is inherited
> from OOo.
> - For import/export it is not clear, whether the different formats allow
> a correct mapping, or a mapping is not possible because of missing
> features.
> To be clear, this is not about bug reports from users or persons, that
> are not familiar with the special problem, but about issues, which were
> set to CONFIRMED by someone. And from that person I expect, that he/she
> cares for such things.

I think this is very useful information and I cc'ed the qa list. Good
bug reports with as much as possible information, detailed descriptions
how to reproduce the problem or even useful bug docs are very important
and helps a lot. Thanks for bringing this up and raising more awareness.


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