Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
I am not clear what the lazy consensus is about.

Clearly, there is no restriction on anyone contributing to User
Guides for Apache OpenOffice on ODFAUthors, beyond the
terms/conventions/what-ever that apply to contributions there.

So I suppose what is being asked for is consensus that there will
not, at this time, be any separate effort inside of the Apache
OpenOffice project and the project will look to relying on the
ODFAuthors site for emergence of updated User Guides.  Contributions
should be made there.

In other words, there won't be any forking of ODFAuthors work into
the project.  I assume that means avoidance of duplicate effort as

I'm aligned with that direction.

- Dennis

First of all let me apologize if either my as yet limited understanding of "The Apache Way" or my sometimes terse writing style added to any confusion.

My intention was to seek lazy consensus o Scenario 2 rom the wiki page as the preferred way to go for getting an updated Getting Started Guide and or other documentation ready for the 3.5 release. The main reason I did it was because there was Option 1 which was to shelve it. It was in no way intended to cut off discussion of where we should go where we go with documentation for AOO version 4 as that is a major release and has the potential for major changes to the UI that may influence a re-evaluation of not only the structure of the documentation but also the presentation of it.

I hope I have cleared up my intentions and again apologies or the inadvertent ailure to clearly communicate.

-----Original Message----- From: Keith N. McKenna
[] Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012
07:47 To: Subject: Re: [User Docs] What
do we as a community want for user documentation or AOO

Keith N. McKenna wrote:
Greetings All;

In order to stimulate some discussion on user documentation I have
added the hollowing page to the User Documentation Plan on the
Plannig Wiki:

It offers 3 scenarios or the creation of the docs. I believe that we can
no longer put this issue aside.

Please take a look at the page and feel free to comment there and
on this list. Also feel free to add to or change any content

Regards Keith N. McKenna

Based on the discussion in this thread and on the wiki page it
appears for the short term that Scenario 2 is the best way to go. At
this point I would like to ask for lazy consensus to use ODFAuthors
site and the 3.4 documents already there to create and publish
updated documentation. I will leave this open until 2012-09-26 at
05:45 UTC.

Regards Keith N. McKenna

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