
On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 1:46 AM, Peter Junge <peter.ju...@gmx.org> wrote:
> During ApacheCon Europe 2012 (ACEU 2012; http://apachecon.eu/), we will hold
> a 90-minute session on the state of the community. Our topic is as broad as
> the community and includes discussion on how to develop and further the
> community of contributors and users making up AOO. We hope you can be there
> and add your voice! We seldom have opportunity to meet in person, and this
> will be a great occasion to go over where we are as a community, what we
> need to do to improve the operations of the community, and what can be done
> by us all to take AOO to top-level status. Everyone is invited—and to
> encourage you further to participate, we hope to welcome the Apache mentors
> who are helping AOO move ahead.

So good!

> At the moment, I'm responsible for this session but due to the fact that I'm
> located in Beijing I will not be able to attend in person. Hence, it would
> be great to find one or two volunteers to host this BoF session about the
> AOO community at the ApacheCon Europe.

And I in Brazil, If you have a volunteer to go to the event. (:

Enjoy the event well anyone.


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