On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 8:28 PM, Shane Curcuru <a...@shanecurcuru.org> wrote:
> On 9/26/2012 4:58 PM, Rob Weir wrote:
>> Another one of those "larger ecosystem" things I'll be pushing on.
>> If you recall the legacy OpenOffice.org project had a webpage that
>> listed various consultants who provided services for OpenOffice.  We
>> took it down because it was very out of date and we didn't have time
>> (at that time) to figure out the policy implications and update the
>> content.  Well guess what?  I have time now.
>> ====> A draft of a proposed approach is on the wiki here:
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Draft+--+Apache+OpenOffice+Consultants+Directory
>> <====
> ...
> I'd suggest folks read the draft-but-pretty-close document about Apache
> Project Corporate Recognition Best Practices here when thinking about how
> AOO wants to organize web pages like this:
>   http://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/linking
> This is something that we haven't necessarily had a clearly written policy
> for all projects in the past.  In fact, within basic trademark and "projects
> must be independent" guidelines, there's a lot of room for different
> projects to approach this (or not bother with it) in different ways.
> We've tried to lay out the basic issues in the page above, although I know
> there are several areas that need better explanations, or that we're missing
> some important point.

That's a good page and it aligns with what I am proposing.  One thing
I had not considered was the rel="nofollow" question.  That is easy to
add to the XSLT stylesheet.

However one thing that is unclear in that page is the line, "Factual
list, not advertisements..."

This probably comes down to definitions, but to my thinking a list of
consultants, even a factual list, is also an advertisement for those
who are listed.  So what defines a prohibited advertisement?  How do
we police this?

The approach I was proposing was to have a strict limit on the length
of the description field, something like 250 characters, the same for
every consultant, enough to state the basics, but not to make
elaborate claims.


> I think the key things are:
> - Respect Apache marks fully (both by our projects, and others)
> - Maintain the ASF's public charity mission; avoid appearances of
> endorsement or affiliation
> - Ensure the project is being managed independently, *and* that independence
> is clear in public perception
> - Be factual, relevant, fair, and consistent in how listings are
> done/removed/etc.
> Oh, and automating (yay XSLT!) pages like this will be a big win for
> maintenance.
> - Shane

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