On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 1:04 PM, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:

> Top Note:
> This has become an example of how to edit several parts of the website
> including adding xslt.
> - XSLT.
> - SSI - How html pages are transformed into AOO branded html pages.
> - Top Navigation customized for an NL.
> - Page Template Skeleton
> - Branding - including Header and Footer construction.
> On Sep 29, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Rob Weir wrote:
> > On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 2:40 PM, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> On Sep 29, 2012, at 2:25 AM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
> >>
> >>> Rob Weir wrote:
> >>>> A technical solution could be to put the strings into their own XML
> >>>> file, so different localized versions could be used.  These would be
> >>>> strings like column headers, the text of the disclaimer, etc.
> >>>
> >>> This would be perfect, and flexible enough.
> >>
> >> The CMS can be setup to build XML files from XSLT files with only some
> slight efforts with perl.
> >>
> >> Here are eccn / exports from the lib/view.pm for www.apache.org:
> >>
> >> sub exports {
> >>    my %args = @_;
> >>    my $template = "content$args{path}";
> >>    $args{breadcrumbs} = ASF::View::breadcrumbs($args{path});
> >>
> >>    my $page_path = $template;
> >>    $page_path =~ s/\.[^.]+$/.page/;
> >>    if (-d $page_path) {
> >>        for my $f (grep -f, glob "$page_path/*.mdtext") {
> >>            $f =~ m!/([^/]+)\.mdtext$! or die "Bad filename: $f\n";
> >>            $args{$1} = {};
> >>            read_text_file $f, $args{$1};
> >>        }
> >>        $args{table} = `xsltproc $page_path/eccnmatrix.xsl
> $page_path/eccnmatrix.xml`;
> >>
> >>    }
> >>
> >>    return Template($template)->render(\%args), html => \%args;
> >> }
> >>
> >> and the lib/path.pm:
> >>
> >>    [qr!^/licenses/exports/index\.html$!, exports => {} ],
> >>
> >>
> >> Done properly we can drop the NL files in a consistent area.
> Interesting...
> >>
> >> Ideally all that should be changed is the XML and then the site is
> properly rebuilt.
> >>
> >> What will this xlstproc call look like if there are two XML files - one
> for columns and the other for data?
> >>
> >
> > I don't know xsltproc, but most XSLT engines have a way to pass in an
> > XSLT parameter via the command line.  So we'd pass in the locale id,
> > e.g., "it" for Italian.  Then within the XSLT we could use the
> > document() call to load a string resource file whose name is based in
> > part on the locale, for example, strings_<locale>.xml. Or
> > <locale>/strings.xml, depending on whether you want these centralized
> > or not.
> >
> > But one other assumption to check:  can we pipeline the CMS processing
> > steps together?  In other words, if we generate a bare-bones XHTML
> > from the XSLT transform. can we then feed that XHTML back into the CMS
> > to apply the usual template for the header/footer, etc.?
> Sure that's very much what we already do with all of the existing html:
> (1) Strip out header, body tag and content.
> (2) Push the existing html through the CMS templating engine.
> I'll annotate the process because the ssi part if important to consider
> here:
> sub html_page {
>     my %args = @_;
>     my %styleargs = @_;
>     my $file = "content$args{path}";
>     my $template = $args{template};
>     $args{breadcrumbs} = breadcrumbs($args{path});
> (a) Get the html file contents
>     read_text_file $file, \%args;
> (b) Each page may have an attachments directory with mdtext special
> content - read those.
>     my $page_path = $file;
>     $page_path =~ s/\.[^.]+$/.page/;
>     if (-d $page_path) {
>         for my $f (grep -f, glob "$page_path/*.mdtext") {
>             $f =~ m!/([^/]+)\.mdtext$! or die "Bad filename: $f\n";
>             $args{$1} = {};
>             read_text_file $f, $args{$1};
>         }
>     }
> (c) Grab the folder or main ssi.mdtext defining special items like
> translations.
>     my $ssi_header_file = ssiheaderfile($args{path});
>     $args{ssi} = {};
>     read_text_file $ssi_header_file, $args{ssi};
> (d) Extract the head, bodytag and content from the html file contents
>     if ($args{content} =~
> m!<head.*?>(.*?)</head>(?:.*?<body(.*?)>)?(.*?)(?:</body>|\Z)!si) {
>         @args{qw/head bodytag content/} = ($1, $2, $3);
>     }
> (e) Create the breadcrumbs for the header
>     $args{breadcrumbs} =~ s/home/$args{ssi}{headers}{home}/;
> (f) Render through the templating engine with the collected arguments.
>     return Template($template)->render(\%args), html => \%args;
> }
> (3) ssi.mdtext files are used to do folder specific ssi overrides into the
> template:
> templates/ssi.mdtext
> doctype: /doctype.html
> brand:  /brand.html
> footer: /footer.html
> topnav: /topnav.html
> home:           home
> templates/it/ssi.mdtext
> doctype: /doctype.html
> brand:  /it/brand.html
> footer: /footer.html
> topnav: /it/topnav.html
> home:           home
> Adding a consultant tag to these files makes sense.
> (4) content/it/topnav.mdtext
> The place to put this new consultants link would be in these files.
> divid:  topnava
> - [Prodotto][m0]
> - [Download][m1]
> - [Supporto][m2]
> - [Estensioni][m3]
> - [Modelli][m4]
> - [Collabora][m5]
> [m0]:     /it/informazioni/prodotto/writer.html
> "Descrizione di Apache OpenOffice"
> [m1]:     /it/download/
> "Scarica OpenOffice"
> [m2]:     /it/supporto/index.html
> "Supporto per OpenOffice"
> [m3]:     http://extensions.openoffice.org
>  "Estensioni per OpenOffice: aggiungi nuove funzioni"
> [m4]:     http://templates.openoffice.org
> "Modelli di documento per OpenOffice"
> [m5]:     /it/contribuire/index.html
>  "Aiuta il progetto OpenOffice"
> (5) templates/skeleton.html
> FYI - the full page - note the ssi.headers variables come from the
> selected ssi.mdtext.
> <!--#include virtual="{{ ssi.headers.doctype }}" -->
> <html>
> <head>
> <link href="/css/ooo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
> {% if head %}{{ head|safe }}{% else %}
> <title>{% block title %}{{ headers.title }}{% endblock %}</title>
> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
> {% if headers.css %}<link href="{{ headers.css }}" rel="stylesheet"
> type="text/css">{% endif %}
> {% endif %}
> <!--#include virtual="/google-analytics.js" -->
> </head>
> <body{% if bodytag %} {{ bodytag|safe }}{% endif %}>
> <!--#include virtual="{{ ssi.headers.brand }}" -->
>   <div id="topbara">
>     {% if ssi.headers.topnav %}<!--#include virtual="{{ ssi.headers.topnav
> }}" -->{% endif %}
>     <div id="breadcrumbsa">{% block breaddcrumbs %}{{ breadcrumbs|safe
> }}{% endblock %}</div>
>   </div>
>   <div id="clear"></div>
>   {% if ssi.headers.leftnav %}<!--#include virtual="{{ ssi.headers.leftnav
> }}" -->{% endif %}
>   {% if ssi.headers.rightnav %}<!--#include virtual="{{
> ssi.headers.rightnav }}" -->{% endif %}
>   <div id="content">
>     {% block legacy %}{% if ssi.headers.legacy %}<div class="legacy">{{
> ssi.headers.legacy }}</div>{% endif %}{% endblock %}
>     {% block title %}{% if headers.title %}<h1 class="title">{{
> headers.title }}</h1>{% endif %}{% endblock %}
>     {% block content %}{{ content|markdown }}{% endblock %}
>   </div>
> <!--#include virtual="{{ ssi.headers.footer }}" -->
> </body>
> </html>
> (6) content/brand.mdtext
> You are certainly familiar with this parallel structure.
> home:           home
> search:         search
> name:           Apache OpenOffice (incubating)
> tagline:        (incubating) | The Free and Open Productivity Suite
> logo:           AOO_logos/OOo_Website_v2_copy.png
> domain:         www.openoffice.org
> divid:          bannera
> announce:       Please help us collect and rate ideas for OpenOffice 4.0
> announceurl:    https://www.google.com/moderator/#16/e=2011d5
> announcetip:    Read the announcement
> (7) templates/brand.html
> This is really more about the site banner is more about refresh and
> transition to TLP.
>  <div id="{{ headers.divid }}">
>     <div id="bannerleft"><a title="Apache OpenOffice (incubating)"
> href="/"><img id="ooo-logo" alt="{{ headers.name }}" src="/images/{{
> headers.logo }}"/></a></div>
>     <div id="bannerright">
>       <a title="Apache Incubator" href="http://incubator.apache.org";><img
> id="asf-logo" alt="Apache Incubator"
> src="/images/apache-incubator-logo.png"/></a>
>       <div style="relative; margin: 14px 0 0 0; height: 24px;">
>     <form id="cse-search-box-header" action="http://www.google.com/search";
> method="get">
>       <div>
>         <input type="hidden" name="domains" value="{{ headers.domain }}"/>
>         <input type="hidden" name="sitesearch" value="{{ headers.domain
> }}"/>
>       </div>
>       <div class="topsrchbox">
>         <input name="resultsPerPage" value="40" type="hidden"/>
>         <input name="q" id="query" type="text"/>
>         <input name="Button" value="{{ headers.search }}" type="submit"
> class="topsrchbutton"/>
>       </div>
>     </form>
>       </div>
>     </div>
>     {% block tagline %}{% if headers.tagline %}<div
> id="bannercenter"><br/>{{ headers.tagline }}</div>{% endif %}{% endblock %}
>   </div>
>   {% block announce %}{% if headers.announce %}<div id="announce"><a
> href="{{ headers.announceurl }}" title="{{ headers.announcetip }}">{{
> headers.announce }}</a></div>{% endif %}{% endblock %}
> (8) templates/footer.html
> Remove the disclaimer - other changes?
>  <div id="{{ headers.divid }}">
>     <div id="poweredbya"><p><img src="/images/feather-small.gif"
> alt="Apache Feather"/></p></div>
>     <div id="copyrighta">
>       <p style="text-align:center;">
>     <a href="/license.html">Copyright &amp; License</a> | <a
> href="/privacy.html">Privacy</a> | <a href="/contact_us.html">Contact
> Us</a> | <a href="
> http://www.apache.org/foundation/contributing.html#Paypal";>Donate</a>
>       </p>
>       <p>
>     Apache and the Apache feather logos are trademarks of The Apache
> Software Foundation.
>     OpenOffice.org and the seagull logo are registered trademarks of The
> Apache Software Foundation.
>     Other names appearing on the site may be trademarks of their
> respective owners.
>       </p>
>       <p>
>     Apache OpenOffice is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache
> Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator.
>     Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further
> review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and
>     decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with
> other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is
>     not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the
> code, it does indicate that the project has
>     yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.</p>
>     </div>
>   </div>
> (9) Rebranding is easy to do and reverse.
> Regards,
> Dave
> >
> > -Rob
> >
> >
> >> Regards,
> >> Dave
> >>
> >>>
> >>>> Another solution would be to have one master consultant listing, but
> >>>> add a field to indicate the geographic scope of their business. ...
> >>>> Pardon my ignorance here, but how do consultants tend to work in
> >>>> Europe?  Are they easily able to offer services through the EU?
> >>>
> >>> This option is probably not needed. Individual consultants will often
> work within one country only, and those who offer services in multiple
> countries can fill in multiple applications (and then we would have the
> issue that geography and language do not map one-to-one, so this approach
> couldn't be easily generalized).
> >>>
> >>> Regards,
> >>> Andrea.
> >>
Ok, I found this... :)


"Just 'cause you got the monkey off your back
 doesn't mean the circus has left town."
                    -- George Carlin

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