On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 1:18 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton <orc...@apache.org> wrote:
> I'm sorry, Rob.  Those files are toxic *for me*.  I can't touch them in their 
> present state.  I also don't want to read them in their present state until 
> the provenance and permissive licensing is dealt with.

The files are covered by an SGA, checked in by an IBM employee covered
by an iCLA and a CCLA.  That is a triple assurance.   If the only
thing that is holding you back from being productive with these files
is the copyright header, then I'll make an extra effort to see if I
can help you there.  I wouldn't want you to be blocked for the lack of
this.    But I really wish you would have mentioned this before the
day we're proposing graduation.  The contribution of Symphony was made
months ago.

> What is irrelevant for you is not irrelevant for me.  And you're not my 
> lawyer.
> Offering to remove the files is bizarre.  What is that, slash-dot bait?

No, I'm serious.  If this is a blocking issue for anyone, I'm willing,
able and happy to delete. I wouldn't want anyone concerned about
"toxic files" in SVN.  When Pedro had concerns with the Cat-b  files
in SVN he was praised for his "axe".  I'm just offering to use mine as


>  - Dennis
> PS: I was asked, shortly after AOO incubation started, why I did not 
> contribute to LibreOffice.  My response to that private question was that I 
> do contribute at a level that does not require my working with the 
> LibreOffice code.  As a permissive-license open-source developer I have no 
> interest in possible contamination of my own work by knowledge of something 
> under LGPL, GPL, any other reciprocal license and in particular anything that 
> is proprietary.  (I avoid the proprietary problem by not signing NDAs unless 
> they are reciprocal and it is something I have no difficulty keeping in 
> confidence.)
> [Full disclosure: To be accurate, I did contribute one (unused) patch to 
> LibreOffice and I also provided private review of a patch that has been 
> released in LibreOffice for reducing the information leakage and ease of 
> known-plaintext attacks on encrypted (save with Password) ODF files.  I also 
> realize that I could privately rely on Symphony code, but I could not produce 
> anything based on it since I can't provide sanitary provenance.  Sanitary 
> provenance is a standard I must satisfy for myself.]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rob Weir [mailto:robw...@apache.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 09:14
> To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS]: next step towards graduation
> On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 11:57 AM, Dennis E. Hamilton <orc...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Besides the concerns of the IPMC over toxic IPR in the SVN for an extended 
>> time, the greatest difficulty I see is that no one on the project can touch 
>> this code or work on merging any useful bits until the IPR cleanup happens.  
>> At the moment, it appears that the entire Symphony subdirectory on the OOO 
>> SVN is untouchable.
> Dennis, your use of inflammatory language like "toxic" is not helpful.
>   The only parts that are of interest to this project are the IBM
> enhancements and new features, and these are all under ALv2 per the
> SGA.  The legacy OpenOffice.org stuff, with LGPL headers, is
> irrelevant.
> What we have is contributed code that is sitting in a segregated tree,
> entirely separate from the product code, awaiting IP clearance.  This
> is within the process.  If you or any one else wants the process to go
> faster I'd be happy to suggest ways to help.   And as I said before,
> I'm also happy to delete this tree, if anyone thinks it is a problem.
> -Rob
>>  - Dennis
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Dave Fisher [mailto:dave2w...@comcast.net]
>> Sent: Monday, October 08, 2012 23:36
>> To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS]: next step towards graduation
>> On Oct 8, 2012, at 9:06 AM, Rob Weir wrote:
>>> On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 10:59 AM, Dennis E. Hamilton <orc...@apache.org> 
>>> wrote:
>> [ ... ]
>>>> I nose around in the Symphony code from time to time and I notice there is 
>>>> no reflection of the grant and availability under ALv2 has occurred.
>>> We were notified that the grant was received.
>>>> Is it expected that something be done about that?  There are files that are
>>>>  - still under Sun LGPL license,
>>>>  - some that add an IBM License and copyright under private license
>>>>  - some that claim an IBM Copyright and provide no license whatsoever,
>>>>    although there is a notice concerning government use
>>> Yes, this needs to be cleaned up before any of this is part of a
>>> release.  But it is not a graduation issue.  Remember, an SGA may come
>>> from anywhere, at any time, before graduation or after graduation.
>>> This is blessing, not a problem.  But the code does need to be
>>> reviewed and brought in line with policy before it can be part of a
>>> release.
>> It is still work that ought to be done sooner rather than later. And the 
>> header work should be done by someone from IBM. Who might that be?
>> Whoever it is should be doing it already. There is no excuse to delay.
>> BTW - Large software grants go through the incubator. TLPs do this. [1]
>> I think that not clearing the Symphony grant might be a graduation problem 
>> for some on the IPMC. It will certainly be discussed.
>> Regards,
>> Dave
>> [1] http://incubator.apache.org/ip-clearance/index.html
>> [ ... ]

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