On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 11:56 AM, Pedro Giffuni <p...@apache.org> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> ...
>>>  Who "praised" my axe? I recall *you* threatened to veto it :-P.
>> Yes, I did.  And I've learned from my error.  So in this case I'd seek
>> lazy consensus first ;-)
>>>  And now that you bring back the issue, I still think the cat-B files have
>>> to be delete *before* graduation.
>> Are there some still that you want to delete?  Is anything stopping
>> you?  Is there a BZ issue for this?
> For the record: I said axe was a proper solution for the issue, I didn't
> offer to axe them myself. :)
> IMHO, opening a bugzilla for this issue is against the concept of lazy
> consensus: there is consensus that we want to graduate so we
> remove those files and if someone complains we consider alternatives.

Lazy consensus is when you want to do something yourself but you think
it might be controversial.  If you think it is not controversial, and
it is reversible (as almsot everything in SVN is) then JFDI.

But Bugzilla is very appropriate, and scalable, for listing things
that you think need to be done, but which you are not able, willing,
or interested in doing yourself.  Listing such items on the mailing
list only, and having then scroll by hours later -- that is what is
not scalable.


> This stuff of opening bugzilla issues, waiting for a lot of people to review
> the code and then committing may work well in a corporate environment
> but doesn't scale well in an OSS environment.
> Pedro.

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