Dear all,

I keep on thinking: wouldn't it be wonderful if OpenOffice was
available for tablets running Android?

Yesterday I had to tell a student who had bought a cheap tablet
including external keyboard she had better resell it and buy instead a
netbook, so she could install OpenOffice for Linux or Windows.

Could Google not be approached by OpenOffice programmers with an offer
of the sort:

"We OpenOffice programmers could and would port OpenOffice to android,
but we of course need to be paid proper programmers' salary. A first
working and tested edition would take us around 15 months, working as
a group of 5 programmers." ?

Google/Android has no proper office suite. Microsoft will probably
never want to port their MS Office to Android, because that would be
the end of Windows 8, and Apple is not really interested in Office
software anyway, at least not for Android.

So OppenOffice would dominate the market for Android tablets, which
would be good for Google too :).


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