The guys from KOffice got some funding by Nokia to port their office
suite to Maemo-Meego back in 2009, if the project experience demand
they were going to continue their work for a full blown editor.
Unfortunately, we all know what happened to those. However, I do
wonder what would it prevent anyone to take the OO algoritm to manage
ODF and port it to Java and skin it under the Android native Toolkit.

I think that was the goal of the URE, to have an engine separate from
the product. However this engine didnt really acquire much demand,
also I think it was a bit too bootstrap. At least thats the feedback I
saw from the lists of devs when they tried to use it.

A different effort on Andorid are the WebODF viewer
( which is available on the Google store on JS, I
think is a rework of XUL ODFViewer

Also there is already a AndrOffice which is mainly a spreadsheet, but
they are working on making this a full fledge office suite.

On 10/11/12, Rob Weir <> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 4:10 PM, David Paenson <> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I keep on thinking: wouldn't it be wonderful if OpenOffice was
>> available for tablets running Android?
>> Yesterday I had to tell a student who had bought a cheap tablet
>> including external keyboard she had better resell it and buy instead a
>> netbook, so she could install OpenOffice for Linux or Windows.
>> Could Google not be approached by OpenOffice programmers with an offer
>> of the sort:
>> "We OpenOffice programmers could and would port OpenOffice to android,
>> but we of course need to be paid proper programmers' salary. A first
>> working and tested edition would take us around 15 months, working as
>> a group of 5 programmers." ?
>> Google/Android has no proper office suite. Microsoft will probably
>> never want to port their MS Office to Android, because that would be
>> the end of Windows 8, and Apple is not really interested in Office
>> software anyway, at least not for Android.
>> So OppenOffice would dominate the market for Android tablets, which
>> would be good for Google too :).
> Certainly Google would benefit from an Android office suite. But it
> looks like they have gone with a different option:
> -Rob
>> Yours
>> Dave

Alexandro Colorado
PPMC Apache OpenOffice

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