On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 5:10 PM, David Paenson <davepo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I keep on thinking: wouldn't it be wonderful if OpenOffice was
> available for tablets running Android?
> Yesterday I had to tell a student who had bought a cheap tablet
> including external keyboard she had better resell it and buy instead a
> netbook, so she could install OpenOffice for Linux or Windows.

No, it would be better if consumers educated themselves and purchased
an AMD or Intel x86 based tablet (I favor AMD Fusion myself), where
you can install ANY OS you want, including standard x86 Linux (Fedora,
Ubuntu, etc), and run standard Apache OpenOffice, Firefox, and any
software you want.


Video of AMD Fusion tablet running Ubuntu

Same tablet running ArchLinux

The latest AMD Fusion tablets get 8-hours of 720p video playback on a
battery charge, and the equivalent CPU horsepower of an AMD Sempron

So, the notion that "tablets=limited" or "tablets=Android" irks me a
lot. If you get an x86 tablet, you get all the power of a regular
notebook, with a touch screen instead of keyboard...

During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act
- George Orwell

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