On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 1:22 AM, Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> yesterday I had problems to find a good place for the German translation
> of the graduation press release. And I thought that it is probably a
> good idea to cleanup the whole page with a clear and well defined
> structure. I know that there is work ongoing and that we move already in
> this direction. But nevertheless I would like to share the things I have
> in mind to check if it is aligned with the already ongoing work or if it
> makes sense at all.
> 1. a clear structure for the English content as well as the translated
> pages.
> .../index.hmtl
> .../de/index.html
> .../it/index.html
> ...
> .../press/msg_20121019.html
> .../de/press/msg_20121019.html
> .../it/press/msg_20121019.html
> ...
> Means we have for all pages a translated version in the related sub
> directory. Same path and same name only the content is translated. This
> makes it easy to find the related translation for any files.
> We can also use Pootle to do the translation of the web content in the
> future.

Definitely good ideas.  A defined structure for all areas would be very
useful. Do we need to start a wiki page to further elaborate, or should we
just go ahead with the press area for now? Opinions?

> 2. we have special news areas where local communities can spread further
> news relevant to their local activities, e.g. local conferences, events.
> But in general we have the same content on all pages. Other local
> community relevant content should be moved in the wiki. The main idea is
> to have a smaller but cleaner and well structured and organized user
> portal www.openoffice.org. Community internal things should be move on
> openoffice.apache.org or the wiki.
> I know it is not really new and it is probably more to remind myself but
> I am interested to hear others opinion.
> Regards
> Juergen


"Anyone who considers protocol unimportant has never
 dealt  with a cat."
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