On 10/30/2012 04:14 PM, Andrew Rist wrote:

On 10/30/2012 1:39 PM, Kay Schenk wrote:
Looking at old threads, I'm a bit confused about the outcome of this one:


Currently some of the ".com" domains don't even show up on the DNS radar,
and on the others remaining registered by Oracle. Was it the outcome of
this discussion to have Oracle transfer the registrations to the ASF?

I thought that was perhaps what we wanted to do, but ti doesn't seem to
have happened yet.

Andrew, can you shed some light? Thanks.


I guess it's not been on the top of any of our lists.  The domains were
opened up for transfer on the Oracle side (not sure if that times out).


Thanks for the update. I'm not sure what this means though. :/

Oracle didn't renew them and now these domains are up for grabs?


"Anyone who considers protocol unimportant has never
 dealt with a cat."
                               -- Robert Heinlein

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