On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 1:46 PM, jan iversen <jancasacon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> I think your md pages are SUPER....what I suggested was an additional wiki
> page (actually someone else called it postoffice) where we put small tasks
> that need to be translated / written etc.
> So I see your pages go hand in hand with Wiki pages, just too different
> levels of interaction with the community.

Right.   So maybe when we do a wider "call for volunteers" we can
offer three tracks:

1) Sign up for ooo-dev and "drink from the firehose"  (our only current option)

2) A short intro on the wiki, one that doesn't exist yet, but maybe
someone can write one.

3) A longer self-paced intro on the website (what I'm working on)

They are volunteers, so we can't force them to do anything.  But we
can offer them a few choices.  I'm happy to provide one of those
choices.  Who wants to provide another?


> jan
> On 31 October 2012 16:59, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 11:51 AM, Kay Schenk <kay.sch...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > On 10/28/2012 04:30 PM, Rob Weir wrote:
>> >>
>> >> On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 6:29 PM, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> On 23/10/2012 Rob Weir wrote:
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> New Volunteer Orientation root page:
>> >>>> http://incubator.apache.org/openofficeorg/orientation/
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> This is an excellent resource. But we received a few requests from
>> >>> prospective volunteers this weekend and I'm believing it would be
>> >>> overwhelming to point them there. I still believe these documents are
>> >>> excellent, but probably they are assuming our volunteer is above
>> average,
>> >>> or
>> >>> at least willing to engage deeply with the project. They would be
>> perfect
>> >>> for me, for you, or for a newcomer like Jan who has the skills and the
>> >>> mindset to understand in detail how things work.
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >> And how do we know in advance which volunteers are like Jan and which
>> are
>> >> not?
>> >>
>> >> I think we should find some way to point them to the info and say that
>> >> they are welcome to jump in and ignore this all, or skim it in
>> >> parallel with direct participation, or read through this stuff first.
>> >> It is entirely up to them.
>> >>
>> >> But generally, the more one needs to interact with other project
>> >> participants and other systems and even other parts of Apache, the
>> >> more this information becomes useful.   Although not stated, one could
>> >> almost say that "Level 4" would be becoming a Committer.  So you are
>> >> correct that this is a track for a more determined volunteer,
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>> But we will also have (and we do have: most volunteers I see on the
>> >>> mailing
>> >>> lists in Italian fall in this category) volunteers who don't care that
>> >>> much
>> >>> about OpenOffice as a project: they use the product and just want to
>> give
>> >>> something back. They want to scratch an itch, or just to do something,
>> >>> but
>> >>> they are very task-oriented: they want something to do rather than
>> >>> something
>> >>> to read. For example, we may have translation volunteers who would be
>> >>> perfectly satisfied if we e-mail them a PO file and tell them to grab
>> >>> POEdit
>> >>> and send the file back; and then they would consider a deeper
>> engagement,
>> >>> but not earlier.
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >> Translation volunteers are different in many ways, but even there I
>> >> think we need some solid orientation material.  They won't go far
>> >> before wondering why they cannot write to Pootle and the website, but
>> >> others can.  That leads us into discussion of roles at Apache, etc.
>> >> And we really need to expose them to the Apache License at the
>> >> earliest opportunity.  We do no one any favors if we're passing around
>> >> PO files via private mail, and receiving translations without any
>> >> public record of contribution.
>> >>
>> >> In any case, this is an issue we've had for a while.  Becoming a
>> >> Committer is a higher hurdle than is appropriate for most translation
>> >> volunteers, due to iCLA, etc.  The orientation guides did not create
>> >> this problem, they merely remind us of it.
>> >>
>> >>> And indeed they are not totally wrong: knowing how the Apache Board
>> works
>> >>> is
>> >>> not needed to be able to translate a press release, or a few OpenOffice
>> >>> strings, into Italian.
>> >>>
>> >>> Could it be that we need a "practical" entry point for people who want
>> to
>> >>> help and just want to do it immediately? Placing these information at
>> >>> level
>> >>> 3 of the "Volunteer Orientation" seems too much for volunteers who want
>> >>> to
>> >>> jump in and do something (while, again, the orientation guide is
>> >>> excellent
>> >>> for a skilled, determined volunteer).
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >> Since "level 3" for translators does not exist yet, it may be too
>> >> early to say whether or not is "practical".   (I hope it will be
>> >> practical).  If we make it self-contained, it may be possible for it
>> >> be consulted on its own for someone who is not seeking deeper
>> >> engagement with the project.
>> >>
>> >> -Rob
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>> Regards,
>> >>>    Andrea.
>> >
>> >
>> > Rob,
>> >
>> > I still support this whole notion. But, maybe it would be better to go
>> with
>> > more of a "checklist" style instead of the in-depth explanations you
>> have in
>> > this document.
>> >
>> > What if you ported this to the wiki (Jan suggested this as well. cwiki is
>> > easiest for me but I have no object to wiki.openoffice.org) so those of
>> us
>> > that are interested can more easily contribute to this worthwhile guide.
>> >
>> Of course you are free to start whatever wiki page you wish.  But I'll
>> be continuing with the mdtext pages I've started.  This is based on my
>> experience with providing orientation to many of our Symphony
>> developers on how Apache projects work and how to participate in such
>> a community.  This approach works.   Other approaches might work for
>> others as well.  But I'm going to give this a try.
>> -Rob
>> > Thanks for starting this. It is needed.
>> >
>> > --
>> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> >
>> > MzK
>> >
>> > "Anyone who considers protocol unimportant has never
>> >  dealt with a cat."
>> >                                -- Robert Heinlein

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