On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:53 PM, jan iversen <jancasacon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the note, however knowing IBM I had hoped that one of the
> official goals was to help the development part of the community to get
> stabilized.

This is what their costumers asked for, not IBM itself. Costumers dont care
about development, most of the time. They think everyting is created with

> I acknowledge that it is important for IBM to get an output of invested
> energy/time/money, but I think IBM would benefit not only from features but
> also from the soft points of helping the community.

I was a bit disapointed they didnt asked for some more 'enterprise-ready'
features like integration with ERP systems, tivoli, and credential
management of profiles, improve Base and add bridge to DB2 or something in
those veins.

> that being said in response to your IBM HAT, but I do feel that you and
> other IBM Fellows still do a great job in getting  the community to
> prosper.
> Jan.
> On 1 November 2012 17:45, <robert_w...@us.ibm.com> wrote:
> > A quick note, wearing my "IBM hat".
> >
> > We (IBM) have consulted with customers, internal users, other IBM product
> > teams, on what our (IBM's) development priorities should be for the next
> > AOO release.  Obviously, we're not the only ones with priorities or
> > interests or opinions.  We don't make AOO decisions by ourselves.  But we
> > want to be transparent about what our own priorities are, for our
> > employees participating in the AOO community, and what they will be
> > focusing on.   As we did with AOO 3.4.0 and 3.4.1, we'll be putting the
> > details onto the wiki over the next couple of weeks.  You'll hear more at
> > ApacheCon, but I wanted you to hear it hear first.
> >
> > Our top priorities:
> >
> > -- Improve the install and deployment experience, especially by
> supporting
> > digital signatures on installs, and introducing a new incremental update
> > feature, so users are not required to download and install a full image
> > for just a minor update.
> >
> > -- A major UI enhancement, a sidebar framework for the editors, ported
> > over from Symphony, and including an API.  If you recall, Symphony won
> > quite a lot of praise for its UI, and much of this was due to the sidebar
> > panel.  I think we can make a good argument that this approach, say
> > compared to the MS Office "ribbon" is a better use of screen real-estate,
> > especially as we see more frequent use of wide screen displays.

I like what KOffice did with the management of tiles and panes, and I think
is a great UI study case. There were some of these ideas embedded in the UX
project. Personally I used to admire the UI from Macromedia projects which
had a nice use of toolbars, floating panes, and could add a series of
options in a clean icon-based intereface.

> >
> > -- Improved Table of Contents in Writer
> >
> > -- Improved system integration on Windows and MacOS, including possible
> > adoption of "gestures".

Is this like for tablets? Not sure what gestures means, Opear has some
gestures which are mouse keys combinations.

> >
> > -- IAccessible2 bridge, ported over from Symphony, to improve
> > accessibility.  This is a major effort, but very important.
> >
> > -- Closer integration of clipart and template libraries with user
> > experience.

I think there was always objections to bloat the office suite with too much
graphic intensive templates. Not sure if that opposition will be gone now.
Impress does need a major facelift with animations and transitions. GSOC
had integration bridge to OpenClipArt to import the clipart from the
website, this functionality is also present on Inkscape.

> >
> > -- Update branding and visual styling, contemporary and compelling, fresh
> > and relevant.

Funny enough, stale is the new fresh, taken from logos of Chrome and
Windows, is more an art-deco style.

> >
> > -- Social integration, allow our users to quickly and easily share their
> > thoughts in a way that compliment their commercial social behavior.
> > Explore the integration of consumer service-specific capabilities as well
> > as generic Share... actions.

eww I hate this and dont really understand why companies want to "share" a

> >
> > -- And many other smaller items
> >
> > Obviously the release date for this cannot be pinned down so early, and
> > releasing is PMC decision, not an IBM one.  But we think that this work
> > could be completed and tested for a release in the March/April 2013
> > time-frame.  And the scope of the release might be significant enough to
> > warrant a "4.0" designation.
> >
> > In any case, we'll soon set up a page on the wiki to collect these items.
> > As always, I invite you to add your own priorities to the wiki, things
> > that you would like to work on.  This could be a new feature.  Or, if one
> > of the above items sound interesting to you, we always welcome help
> > designing and implementing these features.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > -Rob
> >
> >
> >
> >

Alexandro Colorado
PPMC Apache OpenOffice

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