On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 5:10 PM, Alexandro Colorado <j...@oooes.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:53 PM, jan iversen <jancasacon...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for the note, however knowing IBM I had hoped that one of the
>> official goals was to help the development part of the community to get
>> stabilized.
> This is what their costumers asked for, not IBM itself. Costumers dont care
> about development, most of the time. They think everyting is created with
> Pixeldust.
>> I acknowledge that it is important for IBM to get an output of invested
>> energy/time/money, but I think IBM would benefit not only from features but
>> also from the soft points of helping the community.
> I was a bit disapointed they didnt asked for some more 'enterprise-ready'
> features like integration with ERP systems, tivoli, and credential
> management of profiles, improve Base and add bridge to DB2 or something in
> those veins.

Some of these are being done, but as extensions.  And in some cases
they depend on proprietary code, so they lead to proprietary
extensions.  Personally, I'd recommend bring features like this into
the core only if they can be done in some open fashion, e.g.,
standards based or at least an open driver-based or other extensible
model which is open to all vendors.

>> that being said in response to your IBM HAT, but I do feel that you and
>> other IBM Fellows still do a great job in getting  the community to
>> prosper.
>> Jan.
>> On 1 November 2012 17:45, <robert_w...@us.ibm.com> wrote:
>> > A quick note, wearing my "IBM hat".
>> >
>> > We (IBM) have consulted with customers, internal users, other IBM product
>> > teams, on what our (IBM's) development priorities should be for the next
>> > AOO release.  Obviously, we're not the only ones with priorities or
>> > interests or opinions.  We don't make AOO decisions by ourselves.  But we
>> > want to be transparent about what our own priorities are, for our
>> > employees participating in the AOO community, and what they will be
>> > focusing on.   As we did with AOO 3.4.0 and 3.4.1, we'll be putting the
>> > details onto the wiki over the next couple of weeks.  You'll hear more at
>> > ApacheCon, but I wanted you to hear it hear first.
>> >
>> > Our top priorities:
>> >
>> > -- Improve the install and deployment experience, especially by
>> supporting
>> > digital signatures on installs, and introducing a new incremental update
>> > feature, so users are not required to download and install a full image
>> > for just a minor update.
>> >
>> > -- A major UI enhancement, a sidebar framework for the editors, ported
>> > over from Symphony, and including an API.  If you recall, Symphony won
>> > quite a lot of praise for its UI, and much of this was due to the sidebar
>> > panel.  I think we can make a good argument that this approach, say
>> > compared to the MS Office "ribbon" is a better use of screen real-estate,
>> > especially as we see more frequent use of wide screen displays.
> I like what KOffice did with the management of tiles and panes, and I think
> is a great UI study case. There were some of these ideas embedded in the UX
> project. Personally I used to admire the UI from Macromedia projects which
> had a nice use of toolbars, floating panes, and could add a series of
> options in a clean icon-based intereface.
>> >
>> > -- Improved Table of Contents in Writer
>> >
>> > -- Improved system integration on Windows and MacOS, including possible
>> > adoption of "gestures".
> Is this like for tablets? Not sure what gestures means, Opear has some
> gestures which are mouse keys combinations.

For example, MacOS "multi-touch" gestures.  See:

>> >
>> > -- IAccessible2 bridge, ported over from Symphony, to improve
>> > accessibility.  This is a major effort, but very important.
>> >
>> > -- Closer integration of clipart and template libraries with user
>> > experience.
> I think there was always objections to bloat the office suite with too much
> graphic intensive templates. Not sure if that opposition will be gone now.
> Impress does need a major facelift with animations and transitions. GSOC
> had integration bridge to OpenClipArt to import the clipart from the
> website, this functionality is also present on Inkscape.

I think better integration with external repositories is key.  Look at
what MS Office 2013 does.

>> >
>> > -- Update branding and visual styling, contemporary and compelling, fresh
>> > and relevant.
> Funny enough, stale is the new fresh, taken from logos of Chrome and
> Windows, is more an art-deco style.

Maybe if we wait long enough what we have now will come back in fashion? ;-)

>> >
>> > -- Social integration, allow our users to quickly and easily share their
>> > thoughts in a way that compliment their commercial social behavior.
>> > Explore the integration of consumer service-specific capabilities as well
>> > as generic Share... actions.
> eww I hate this and dont really understand why companies want to "share" a
> document.

Why do we share a news clipping or a status update or anything else?
If you can grab content from a webpage and share it, why not from a
document?  Even Kindle is seeing this, with ability to select content
from an eBook and share it via Twitter and FB.


>> >
>> > -- And many other smaller items
>> >
>> > Obviously the release date for this cannot be pinned down so early, and
>> > releasing is PMC decision, not an IBM one.  But we think that this work
>> > could be completed and tested for a release in the March/April 2013
>> > time-frame.  And the scope of the release might be significant enough to
>> > warrant a "4.0" designation.
>> >
>> > In any case, we'll soon set up a page on the wiki to collect these items.
>> > As always, I invite you to add your own priorities to the wiki, things
>> > that you would like to work on.  This could be a new feature.  Or, if one
>> > of the above items sound interesting to you, we always welcome help
>> > designing and implementing these features.
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> >
>> > -Rob
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
> --
> Alexandro Colorado
> PPMC Apache OpenOffice
> http://es.openoffice.org

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