Dear Gil,

Ad oodguide errors      

> Am 28.02.2020 um 19:12 schrieb Gil Barmwater <>:
> Ad oodguide errors: I have added some code to create the files that book is 
> trying to include but be aware that they are in the PARENT folder of the 
> folder specified for docpath. This will cause a problem if you should have 
> that folder on say a portable drive but not under another directory. E.g 
> using d:\rexx\theDocs for docpath would be OK but d:\theDocs would fail. I 
> would prefer to have those files be created down one level but that will need 
> a change to the source for the oodguide book. If that change gets made I will 
> update the package.

I understand this code is responsible for this?

date /T > %docpath%\..\datepub.tmp
where svnversion /q
if %errorlevel% EQU 0 (
    svnversion > %docpath%\svnrev.tmp
) else echo ?> %docpath%\..\svnrev.tmp

Publican (orxsltproc actually ) assumed these two temp file at the level where 
the script runs, it appears to me that datepub.tmp and svnrev.tmp can be 
created at different levels if error level is 0? Is this a typo or am I missing 
some niceties (again…)? Should it not always be %docpath%\..\svnrev.tmp?
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