Trying to reactivate this thread.

There are ooRexx users who depend on official releases as otherwise they cannot take advantage of the latest versions (bug fixes, new features, etc.) as this thread shows: <>.


Personally I would postpone my intent to get the dbus support from the sandbox into ooRexx, despite being convinced that this would be very helpful for the Linux users. But it can stay there for some time more, I guess. :)


Ad releasing 5.1.0: this would be an opportunity to update the scripts and documentation to allow for "push-button"-releases sometimes in the future which would allow for bug-fix releases to become possible which may be important for ooRexx deployments in professional environments.


What are we going to do with the open items that Gil has pointed out (see below)? Would anyone have any suggestions, ideas, takers?


On 30.11.2023 08:56, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

Hi Gil,

thank you very much!

On 29.11.2023 19:10, Gilbert Barmwater wrote:

I guess I need to refresh everyone's memory on this topic. When we released 5.0.0 about a year ago, it contained a lot of changes!  The CHANGES file listed 361 bug fixes, 169 RFEs, 66 documentation bug fixes and 10 patches.  Unfortunately, some of the bug fixes and RFEs were NOT in the "pending" state but still in the "accepted" state which indicated additional work items - typically doc, and/or test - were not complete. Rather than delay the release any longer(!) until they were all in the pending" state", it was decided to proceed, listing them as included in the release.  Shortly following the release, all the "pending" items were changed to "closed" as well as SOME of the "accepted" ones.  Since that time, additional items have been completed and their status changed to "pending" or "closed" but there remain a number that are still unresolved.  My analysis indicates that there are 11 bugs - 1447, 1624, 1625, 1656, 1742, 1762, 1763, 1786, 1827, 1837,  and 1838 - and 11 RFEs - 353, 544, 550, 552, 569, 576, 578, 581, 603, 754, and 803 - still to be completed.  Whether we decide to do a bug-fix release - 5.0.1 - or a new feature release - 5.1.0 - it is time to clean up this "unfinished business".

Indeed, we should clean up this "unfinished business" ASAP.

Would it be possible for you or for anyone else on this list to give a helping hand? The more shoulders carry this load the easier for each individual and the faster can the clean up go? (Personally, I will probably only be able to get enough free time again during the New Year vacation and would like to focus on the "planned additions".)


On 11/29/2023 7:11 AM, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:

On 24.11.2023 01:05, Gilbert Barmwater wrote:

If the consensus is to do this, can we make a concerted effort to get the bugs and RFEs that were in 5.0.0 but were not marked as "pending" - usually as "accepted" - finally to a finished state, namely "pending"?  There has been a good amount of work on this but I'd really want to see ALL of them completed.  Thanks!

Could you point them out (unfortunately, I have no idea what you mean or which bugs and RFEs are affected)?


On 11/23/2023 3:51 PM, Rony G Flatscher wrote:
Dear P.O.,

fine, around end of January for planning a release of 5.1 would be fine!

Best regards


Rony G. Flatscher (mobil/e)

Am 23.11.2023 um 10:28 schrieb P.O. Jonsson <>:

 Dear Rony,

I have no preferences regarding your proposals, for me you can go ahead and 
implement them.

Regarding a 5.1.0 release I have a tight schedule from now until Christmas so a release in 2023 would be very hard for me to cope with. What about aiming for end of January?

P.O. Jonsson

Am 20.11.2023 um 11:30 schrieb Rony G. Flatscher <>:

Given some free time I would like to add the following things to ooRexx 5.1:

  * the Windows oleinfo Rexx utilities from the sandbox
      o planned for being placed as is in a new directory 
        together with a readme.txt file
      o history: first introduced at the RexxLA symposium in 2004, cf.
      o reasoning: many times it is very difficult, if not impossible to get at 
        published OLE interfaces of Windows COM/OLE objects including those 
returned by
        invocations of methods or fetching attribute values (they may not be 
registered in
        the registry, hence not discoverable); it is nice to have e.g. 
reference like
        printouts of the OLE interfaces (methods, attributes, events)

  * add the DBus support from the sandbox
    <> to 
ooRexx if the
    target platform has DBus support available (originally a message system on 
    exploited by many distributions)
      o history:
          + Flatscher R.G., "D-Bus Language Bindings for ooRexx", International 
            Symposium 2011: 
          + Margiol S., "DBusooRexx", International Rexx Symposium 2015:
          + Flatscher R.G., LinuxCon Europe 2015: "dbusoorexx Bringing the 
Power of D-Bus to
            Your Fingertips"
          + Flatscher R.G., "The ooRexx DBus Bindings for Linux, MacOSX and 
            International Rexx Symposium 2016:

  * multithreading trace ("MT trace")
      o history: Jean-Louis has offered a very helpful and interesting means in 
form of a
        patch, that has not yet been applied; due to some discussions I had 
expected that an
        alternative means becomes available, but this has not materialized; 
after a couple
        of years it is time to give the ooRexx developers sound means into 
their hands; as
        designed Jean-Louis' version will have to be activated by setting an 
        variable before starting the MT program, hence it is meant for 
explicitly debugging
        (no new MT-related trace options would have to be defined at all)
          + one aim when doing so is to come up with a BIF (suggestions?) that 
allows for
            retrieving the thread number, the activation number, the variable 
pool number
            and lock status, which the documentation of that BIF would explain: 
this should
            allow e.g. Gil to use this information to experiment with Rick's 
idea in
            non-explicit-debugging runs
              # this will cause these counters/this information to be always 
                irrespectively whether  MT trace is active or not
      o reasoning: for debugging multithreaded programs it is necessary to get 
at the
        respective context invocation information, without it certain 
multithreaded problems
        cannot be analyzed/debugged

  * allow invoking the garbage collector for debugging purposes
      o history and reasoning: for debugging purposes in the context of the 
Java bridge it
        became necessary to make sure that the Rexx garbage collector ran 
(background: Java
        changed the finalization logics and to debug the new Java 
implementations for
        releasing cached Rexx objects and to test correct execution of their 
        methods); without a means to invoke the ooRexx garbage collector this 
is simply not
        possible; it is very likely that such debugging needs occur in other 
contexts where
        native information systems interacting with ooRexx (e.g. using ooRexx 
for scripts)
        need to be able to check/analyze/debug correct releases of cached 
ooRexx objects for
        debugging purposes; without such a function this simply cannot be 
achieved; as
        running the garbage collector (in every programming language) is a very 
        operation this needs appropriate documentation; invoking existing 
garbage collectors
        is possible in popular programming languages such as Java's 
        (cf. or
        .Net/CLR's System.GC.collect() (cf.,

Any comments?


Also we should plan to release the current 5.1 version of ooRexx as soon as possible for at least the following reasons:

  * make the current bug fixes available in the form of an officially released 
package: many
    companies do not allow beta software to be installed, used, hence the need 
for a
    officially release if we want ooRexx to remain a viable option
  * make new features available like the new UTF-8 support in the 
WindowsClipboard class
  * keep the knowledge about creating releases up-to-date, allow for improving, 
maybe even
    fully automizing the release steps as much as possible
  * show the public that development has been going on


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