Dear P. O.,

Thanks for your reply, and for all the efforts you, and the other
developers, are putting in making of ooRexx a wonderful language. I am well
aware of the manpower problem, and I understand perfectly that time is the
main limiting factor. I just wanted to stress the fact that, seen "from
outside", things do not always look very bright. Indeed, they do not look
as bright as they really are, once you are somehow more or less "inside"
and begin to know the details. All of which is a pity, obviously. I look
forward to any improvement that makes releasing easier. If I can help in
any way, please let me know; I'd be more than happy to help.

  Josep Maria

Missatge de P.O. Jonsson <> del dia dt., 26 de març 2024 a
les 22:49:

> Dear Joseph Maria,
> The main reason why there has been no release since 5.0.0 is lack of
> manpower. When 5.0.0 was released there was no-one with recent experience
> in releasing ooRexx and I naively volunteered, with zip experience, hence
> the many mistakes made in the process :-(.
> Also our build system that I maintain was less than optimal for release
> work and I ended up spending an entire week manually editing the build jobs
> several times before everything was in place. With 20+ platforms (some with
> 32/64 bit) that build and test + documentation build we have 70 jobs to
> consider whenever there is a change. Manually doing all this was a
> nightmare and before we release again we need to do some things to make
> releasing easier. I have some ideas but time is the limiting factor.
> I consider the „Beta“ in the name to be misleading, it is release quality
> IMO.
> What would be important is to hear about any „showstoppers“ that would
> prevent a release? I know of none.
> Hälsningar/Regards/Grüsse,
> P.O. Jonsson
> Am 26.03.2024 um 17:39 schrieb Josep Maria Blasco <
> Missatge de Rony G. Flatscher <> del dia dt., 26
> de març 2024 a les 16:32:
>> Trying to reactivate this thread.
>> There are ooRexx users who depend on official releases as otherwise they
>> cannot take advantage of the latest versions (bug fixes, new features,
>> etc.) as this thread shows:
>> <>
>> <>
>> .
> I myself, before getting more involved in ooRexx, did not understand the
> long period of beta for 5.0. I was not paying much attention to RexxLA
> mail, and I saw 1) that ooRexx 5.0 was always in beta status, and 2) that
> Rony was always saying that it was "of release quality" -- a contradiction,
> in my view: if it was "of release quality", why wasn't it released? My
> conclusion was that Rony was an enthusiast, and that the product,
> nevertheless, was still not ready (I was right about the former but not
> about the latter :)).
> I only migrated to 5.0 when it was finally released. I can understand the
> person who initiated the "No known bugs in ooRexx 5.oo worth to fix?"
> thread perfectly.
> My impression is that not doing minor, fix releases can create a certain
> impression that ooRexx is abandonware. Not good!
>   Josep Maria
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