Missatge de Rony G. Flatscher <rony.flatsc...@wu.ac.at> del dia dt., 26 de
març 2024 a les 16:32:

> Trying to reactivate this thread.
> There are ooRexx users who depend on official releases as otherwise they
> cannot take advantage of the latest versions (bug fixes, new features,
> etc.) as this thread shows:
> <https://sourceforge.net/p/oorexx/discussion/general/thread/0bd421f711/?limit=25#3458>
> <https://sourceforge.net/p/oorexx/discussion/general/thread/0bd421f711/?limit=25#3458>
> .
I myself, before getting more involved in ooRexx, did not understand the
long period of beta for 5.0. I was not paying much attention to RexxLA
mail, and I saw 1) that ooRexx 5.0 was always in beta status, and 2) that
Rony was always saying that it was "of release quality" -- a contradiction,
in my view: if it was "of release quality", why wasn't it released? My
conclusion was that Rony was an enthusiast, and that the product,
nevertheless, was still not ready (I was right about the former but not
about the latter :)).

I only migrated to 5.0 when it was finally released. I can understand the
person who initiated the "No known bugs in ooRexx 5.oo worth to fix?"
thread perfectly.

My impression is that not doing minor, fix releases can create a certain
impression that ooRexx is abandonware. Not good!

  Josep Maria
Oorexx-devel mailing list

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