Hi all,

I have few questions about translations of some string "types" that have
been added recently to Launchpad:

1) It is sometimes tricky to understand the context of a string, especially
in db.seed  as it is not possible to trace the term in the TT2 template
which usually helps. Currently I am not sure about the context of the
following “types” of strings, that seems to be kind of “system messages” to

— Print Template Context: bill_payment
— Grid Config: serials.dist_stream_grid

Where (or in which situation) are those strings used? Are they ordinary
strings or does the system handle them specially? And shall  the whole
string be translated or only part of it. For example,   should be
translated the whole string “Print Template Context: bill_payment” or only
the  “Print Template Context” part and  the “bill_payment” part  should
not? Etc.

2) My next two questions are about MARC grid labels:
— Is it safe to use extended ASCII characters (with diacritic) for
translation of strings like Audn, Ctry, Fest, GPub, Indx etc. used for MARC
grid labels (located in ../../Open-ILS/src/templates/staff/cat/share/
t_marcedit.tt2)? E.G. can I translate “Audn” as “Urče”
— And is the length of the translation MARC grid labels strings limited (e.g.
can I use 3 or 5 characters for  the 4 characters string and translate
“Lang” as “Jaz” or as “Jazyk”)?

3) There was discussion about translations of Angular string using XLIFF
files some time ago. Is this issue still up to date or have been those
strings included in Launchpad?

Thanks in advance for answers ;-)


Mgr. Eva Cerniňáková
Tel. +420 211 222 409

Knihovna Jabok
Tel.  +420 211 222 410
Jabok - Vyšší odborná škola sociálně pedagogická a teologická
Salmovská 8, 120 00 Praha 2

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