Bill, thanks a lot.

Mgr. Eva Cerniňáková
Tel. +420 211 222 409

Knihovna Jabok
Tel.  +420 211 222 410
Jabok - Vyšší odborná škola sociálně pedagogická a teologická
Salmovská 8, 120 00 Praha 2

st 3. 10. 2018 v 22:30 odesílatel Bill Erickson <> napsal:

> Hi,
>> 1) It is sometimes tricky to understand the context of a string,
>> especially in db.seed  as it is not possible to trace the term in the TT2
>> template which usually helps. Currently I am not sure about the context of
>> the following “types” of strings, that seems to be kind of “system
>> messages” to me.:
>> — Print Template Context: bill_payment
>> — Grid Config: serials.dist_stream_grid
> These 2 are labels for workstation setting types (similar to org unit and
> user setting types).  You would translate the whole string.
> This should have been text describing the new permission.  It's an error
> that the description is just the code name of the permission.
> I've opened
>> Where (or in which situation) are those strings used? Are they ordinary
>> strings or does the system handle them specially? And shall  the whole
>> string be translated or only part of it. For example,   should be
>> translated the whole string “Print Template Context: bill_payment” or
>> only the  “Print Template Context” part and  the “bill_payment” part
>> should not? Etc.
>> 2) My next two questions are about MARC grid labels:
>> — Is it safe to use extended ASCII characters (with diacritic) for
>> translation of strings like Audn, Ctry, Fest, GPub, Indx etc. used for
>> MARC grid labels (located in ../../Open-ILS/src
>> /templates/staff/cat/share/t_marcedit.tt2)? E.G. can I translate “Audn”
>> as “Urče”
>> — And is the length of the translation MARC grid labels strings limited (
>> e.g. can I use 3 or 5 characters for  the 4 characters string and
>> translate “Lang” as “Jaz” or as “Jazyk”)?
>> 3) There was discussion about translations of Angular string using XLIFF
>> files some time ago. Is this issue still up to date or have been those
>> strings included in Launchpad?
> Launchpad does not support XLIFF files, unfortunately, and we were unable
> to find a suitable alternative before merging the new Angular code.  For
> this, the XLIFF file must be translated by hand.  This file should then be
> committed back to the main repository via LP pullrequest.
> If you plan to add a locale for the Angular code, please open a LP ticket,
> and I'll make the necessary changes to the base code and generate a new
> XLIFF file for translation.
> -b

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