
> 1) It is sometimes tricky to understand the context of a string,
> especially in db.seed  as it is not possible to trace the term in the TT2
> template which usually helps. Currently I am not sure about the context of
> the following “types” of strings, that seems to be kind of “system
> messages” to me.:
> — Print Template Context: bill_payment
> — Grid Config: serials.dist_stream_grid

These 2 are labels for workstation setting types (similar to org unit and
user setting types).  You would translate the whole string.


This should have been text describing the new permission.  It's an error
that the description is just the code name of the permission.

I've opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1795972

> Where (or in which situation) are those strings used? Are they ordinary
> strings or does the system handle them specially? And shall  the whole
> string be translated or only part of it. For example,   should be
> translated the whole string “Print Template Context: bill_payment” or
> only the  “Print Template Context” part and  the “bill_payment” part
> should not? Etc.
> 2) My next two questions are about MARC grid labels:
> — Is it safe to use extended ASCII characters (with diacritic) for
> translation of strings like Audn, Ctry, Fest, GPub, Indx etc. used for
> MARC grid labels (located in ../../Open-ILS/src/templates/staff/cat/share/
> t_marcedit.tt2)? E.G. can I translate “Audn” as “Urče”
> — And is the length of the translation MARC grid labels strings limited (
> e.g. can I use 3 or 5 characters for  the 4 characters string and
> translate “Lang” as “Jaz” or as “Jazyk”)?
> 3) There was discussion about translations of Angular string using XLIFF
> files some time ago. Is this issue still up to date or have been those
> strings included in Launchpad?

Launchpad does not support XLIFF files, unfortunately, and we were unable
to find a suitable alternative before merging the new Angular code.  For
this, the XLIFF file must be translated by hand.  This file should then be
committed back to the main repository via LP pullrequest.

If you plan to add a locale for the Angular code, please open a LP ticket,
and I'll make the necessary changes to the base code and generate a new
XLIFF file for translation.


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