Thanks for looking at the TPac, Kathy!

On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 04:53:52PM -0400, Kathy Lussier wrote:

> * Options when placing holds, most importantly (for us) the ability to
> select a monographic part, but also the acceptable formats (which maybe
> should just be part of the pending feature for metarecord searching) and the
> ability to suspend a hold.

When I go into "My Account", click "Holds", and select a hold, I can
then select "Suspend" from the "Actions for selected holds" dropdown and
suspend the hold. Or I can click "Edit" beside a hold and edit the
Cancel / Suspend statuses and dates there.

I guess you're looking for all of the options at the time the user
places the hold. This is a really good opportunity to think through
workflows and usability; if most users just want a simple "Place hold"
action that doesn't clutter up the interface with options for suspend /
expire / contact / format options, we should probably keep the interface
clean and straightforward. I suspect that was the goal of the KCLS skin

However, it would probably be relatively easy to add an "Advanced hold
options" link at the bottom of the Place Hold page that would lead to
the bells & whistles holds options. It would be really interesting to
see how many people actually click through to the advanced options and
change options vs. the defaults - and which options - as useful data
points for improving the interface.

> * Support for located URI. Actually, I don't see any 856 fields displaying.

This surprised me, as I added that support during the Conifer TPac-fest.
I just tried it again, and it worked for me (856 ind1 = 4, ind2=0, $y,
Link text $u $9 BR1). Note that on the search
results page you need to click the "Detailed View" button to see the
link for a given item, and on the individual item page the link is
displayed underneath the cover art in a box with a black border. The
display is not really elegant or evident, but I was aiming at crude
functionality first, in the hope that more talented designers would
provide some patches.

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