Thanks Dan!

> I guess you're looking for all of the options at the time the 
> user places the hold. This is a really good opportunity to 
> think through workflows and usability; if most users just 
> want a simple "Place hold"
> action that doesn't clutter up the interface with options for 
> suspend / expire / contact / format options, we should 
> probably keep the interface clean and straightforward. I 
> suspect that was the goal of the KCLS skin redesign...
> However, it would probably be relatively easy to add an 
> "Advanced hold options" link at the bottom of the Place Hold 
> page that would lead to the bells & whistles holds options. 
> It would be really interesting to see how many people 
> actually click through to the advanced options and change 
> options vs. the defaults - and which options - as useful data 
> points for improving the interface.

Understood. Even as I was writing my e-mail, I was wondering how often a
user would want to suspend a hold at the time they are placing it, and I
agree that we might want to re-think if and how some of these options are
presented. The monographic parts option is another matter and is my main
concern  since we have a consortium that has been adding parts to their
multi-part titles since June. I know most Evergreen users aren't using
monographic parts yet, but, for this feature work, there needs to be an
option for users to select the disc, volume, etc. that they are requesting. 

> This surprised me, as I added that support during the Conifer 
> TPac-fest.
> I just tried it again, and it worked for me (856 ind1 = 4, 
> ind2=0, $y, Link text $u $9 BR1). Note 
> that on the search results page you need to click the 
> "Detailed View" button to see the link for a given item, and 
> on the individual item page the link is displayed underneath 
> the cover art in a box with a black border. The display is 
> not really elegant or evident, but I was aiming at crude 
> functionality first, in the hope that more talented designers 
> would provide some patches.

Glad to hear it is there, and thank you for adding it! I'll have to look at
it more closely today to see why I couldn't get the link to display. If I
have any trouble, I might pop into IRC and ask some questions.


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