I have concerns about the additional issues beyond the two I originally
voted for.  I'm not writing this at this moment as a lengthy -1 to the
additional ones but I want to think about them more and urge other people
to as well.

Some context:

The web team is not very robust and it's role in the community is both
somewhat in flux and doesn't have a strong history at this point.
 Decisions should be made while treading lightly both to ensure they are
viable decisions and for the precedent they may set.  In fact I have on my
post July 4th / Canada Day to do list to send out an email about volunteers
for the web site team.

So, my concerns (and I'll be blunt):

Annual Reregistration - I agree in principle but I worry about the
additional work load of making people responsible not just to repsond to a
an event but to put them on a schedule of work like this.  From a work flow
perspective it is very different things.

Confirmation of references - my concerns are both work load and does it put
the web team in a very new role of being a kind of Better
Business Bureau for the community?  I'm not saying that's necessarily a bad
thing but it does mean leaving behind a kind of neutrality / staying in the
center of the project that I think has always been implicit to the web
team.  I could write a dozen long paragraphs on this but I'll restrain
myself for now.  I can see a lot of likely scenarios where this question
will come up again but to me that's all the more reason to frame in our
minds now what the goal is.

Defining Evergreen services - I'm pretty close to actively opposed to this.
 Is getting speciality blue tooth scanners working with Evergreen an
Evergreen skill if it's really more about just getting them to work with
Windows?  Well ... if they have specific experience with Evergreen then
that's information that might be useful to some clients (and RFP
requirements).  The lists will have different potential functions depending
on the experience and knowledge set of the user.  We could have a long
debate on principles about this and theory crafting and I don't think
anyone will be definitely right or wrong.

On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 10:19 PM, James R Shaw <ja...@jnpshaw.net> wrote:

> I agree:
> Vendors sending an email describing their services +1
> Requiring that they add a visible link to the project web site +1
> Annual re-registration +1
> Confirmation of references. Are they satisfied customers? +1
> -------------------------
> Rev. James R Shaw
> Vice President of Administration - CIO/CTO
> Walther Theological Seminary


Rogan Hamby, MLS, CCNP, MIA
Managers Headquarters Library and Reference Services,
York County Library System

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