On 07/10/2013 10:45 AM, Mike Rylander wrote:

While I am personally an active community member, I'm also an employee
of a service provider, so unless I see something that seems
particularly antagonistic toward service providers I'll stay out of
most of this discussion except to say this: in my opinion, the purpose
of the page is not well served if there is not at least some
demonstration of competency for the specific services or products
offered by a vendor or service provider.  I don't know what sort of
vetting should take place, and I realize that there is a burden
involved to fearless our volunteers, but I'm of the opinion that a
blanket "caveat emptor" is enough to help those looking for Evergreen
services if there are, in fact, inaccurate offerings listed.  I wish I
had a solution, or even a suggestion, but I'm not sure I'm the one to
be offering such in this particular case.  That said, if others feel
my input would be valuable I'm happy to speak publicly or privately
about possible solutions to any real or perceived problems.

This is something we run into over and PostgreSQL.org. There is a base set of rules (like you must list that you actually do support postgres) but there is no vetting process. There is both good and bad to this:

CMD for example is not 100% competent in Evergreen as a whole because the code base is huge. However, we are very good at very specific things in evergreen, mainly around debugging and fixing long standing performance issues. Of course, I would also put CMDs PostgreSQL (and Linux Sysadmin) ability up against any provider on this list, happily.

Those abilities put us in a unique situation in that we fully support Evergreen and we do it well but there is a very real possibility that we will have to do some digging should you present a problem we have not encountered before.

The thing about support providers is, good support providers known how to find and diagnose the actual problem regardless of the source of that problem. Once diagnosis is complete, it is relatively easy to make progress in finding a solution or work around.

One rather simple solution would be that the list has the ability to write reviews of performance very much like Yelp.


Joshua D. Drake

Command Prompt, Inc. - http://www.commandprompt.com/  509-416-6579
PostgreSQL Support, Training, Professional Services and Development
High Availability, Oracle Conversion, Postgres-XC, @cmdpromptinc
For my dreams of your image that blossoms
   a rose in the deeps of my heart. - W.B. Yeats

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