On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 1:23 PM, Joan Kranich <jkran...@cwmars.org> wrote:

>  Hi Bill,

Hi Joan,

> On the list at
> http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=dev:browser_staff:dev_sprints:1
> it shows Patron Edit* and * is explained as indicates an existing HTML
> interface to be integrated as-is, not rewritten.
> The current patron edit screen loads and saves very slowly.  When it says
> Patron Edit will not be rewritten does this mean loading and saving will be
> similar to the current behavior?

That's correct.  The patron edit UI will be practically unchanged.  The
only changes we're making for this project are to integrate it with the new
browser interface, which will not have any material affect on its behavior.
 I would really like to see the existing Dojo UIs ported to the new
structure, but that's a later project.

> On another note, are you hearing from anyone that their library prefers a
> horizontal patron display instead of vertical?  I have several libraries
> hoping for a horizontal display so I’m checking on the status.

I have heard a few people stress the need for a horizontal display.  My
approach thus far has been to take what seems like the best of both worlds
and express them in a single interface.  From the horizontal display, I've
integrated summary data within tab labels (item out counts, hold count,
fines, etc.) and sticky patron summary hiding, to name a few.  It we added
the patron penalties list in "collapsed" mode, it would match the
"collapsed" horizontal patron display in the XUL.  In other words, for
those that use the "Toggle off the patron summary sidebar after first view"
library setting, it's practically the same.

The "expanded" display is still very much vertical, though.

Question for those who prefer the horizontal display:  do you get the most
benefit from patron search or from patron display?

One benefit of the browser design as it stands now is *not* having to jump
between the patron summary and patron search form, which I really like.
 However, that feature practically requires that either the summary or the
search form be expressed vertically in order to fit them all in.  This is a
roundabout way of saying that having the see-it-all-at-once feature means
there's little value in a "horizontal" display for patron search, since the
screen real estate will be occupied one way or the other.

In the context of (post-search) patron display, for those that leave the
summary fully expanded, we could potentially provide a more concise version
of the patron summary along the top, which is displayed when the main
summary is collapsed.  As mentioned above, we already have a good bit of
information displayed in "collapsed" mode.  Maybe it suffices as is or
maybe just a few more pieces of critical information will be enough so that
we can normally operate in "collapsed" mode, saving screen real estate all

The answers to some of these may require people getting their hands dirty
with the new interfaces for a bit.  Lots to consider.

Thanks, Joan.


Bill Erickson
| Senior Software Developer
| phone: 877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
| email: ber...@esilibrary.com
| web: http://esilibrary.com
| Equinox Software, Inc. / The Open Source Experts

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