--On Thursday, June 17, 2010 04:12:48 PM -0500 Andrew Deason <adea...@sinenomine.net> wrote:

On Thu, 17 Jun 2010 15:54:25 -0500
Andrew Deason <adea...@sinenomine.net> wrote:

And as has been mentioned elsewhere in the thread, you need to wait for
the VG hierarchy summary scan to complete, no matter how fast salvaging
is or how many you do in parallel. That involves reading the headers of
all volumes on the partition, so it's not fast (but it is very fast if
you're comparing it to the recovery time of a 1.4 unclean shutdown)

Also, while I keep talking about this, what I haven't mentioned is that
it may be solvable. Although I've never seen any code or even a
complete plan for it yet, recording the VG hierarchy information on disk
would obviate the need for this scan. Doing this would allow you to
salvage essentially instantly in most cases, so you might be able to
recover from an unclean shutdown and salvage 100s of volumes in a few

It's also worth noting that in a namei fileserver, each VG is actually wholly self-contained, so there is no reason in the world why you should have to scan every VG on the partition before you can start salvaging any of them. The salvage server design really should take this property into account, as it seems likely that some future backends may also have this property.

-- Jeff
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